Analysis on China's Future Energy Mix and Oil/Gas Demand Under Low-Carbon Energy Constraints (I

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3.Oil,gas and coal demand to remainhigh amid low-carbon energy effortI.Oil and gas demand to rise significantlyFrom energy conservation to low-carbon andstrengthened low-carbon scenarios,thesame-year oil demand shows declines insequence.Take as an example for 2020,ifoil demand were 100% under the energyconservationscenario,it would be 71.3%for low-carbon and 68.6% for strengthened 3.Oil, gas and coal demand to remain high amid low-carbon energy effortI.Oil and gas demand to rise significantlyFrom energy conservation to low-carbon andstngtngthened low-carbon scenarios, thesame-year oil demand shows declines insequence. Take as an example for 2020, ifoil demand were 100% under the energy conservationscenario, it would be 71.3% for low-carbon and 68.6% for strengthened
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