服务创新之花 喜结丰硕成果——南宁高新区创新服务方式大力扶持园区企业纪实

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南宁国家高新区成立15年来,管委会十分重视做好服务创新这篇大文章,使高新区得以快速发展,并取得了非凡业绩。据统计,到目前为止,南宁高新区入驻企业4000多家,2000年~2006年,高新区科技工业园累计实现规模工业产值205.86亿元,年均增长48.42%。南宁国家高新区已成为南宁乃至广西的高新技术产业基地;成为了南宁改革开放的重要窗口和最具活力的新的经济增长点;并真正成为了创业者的乐园、企业家的摇篮。今年以来,南宁高新区又以服务创新促园区经济发展。2007年1月~9月,高新区科技工业园累计完成规模工业总产值76.26亿元,同比增长36.69%,完成年度任务的73.82%;完成全社会固定资产投资21.56亿元,同比增长16.93%,完成年度任务的64.08%,其中技改投资4.73亿元,完成年度任务的52.56%;完成财政收入5.28亿元,同比增长23%,完成年度任务的68.37%。各项主要经济指标继续保持了连续多年来的高位增长幅度,继续保持了强劲的增长活力和发展后劲,继续保持了又好又快的良好发展势头。“在新的历史条件下,南宁高新区要进一步创新服务方式,不断提高为园区企业服务的能力和水平,确保园区经济又好又快发展。”南宁高新区党工委书记、管委会主任李晓东如是说。 In the 15 years since the establishment of Nanning National Hi-tech Zone, the CMC attaches great importance to the great article of making service innovation so that the Hi-tech Zone can develop rapidly and has achieved remarkable results. According to statistics, so far, Nanning Hi-tech Zone settled more than 4,000 enterprises, from 2000 to 2006, High-tech Zone Industrial Park achieved a total industrial output value of 20.0586 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 48.42%. Nanning National Hi-tech Zone has become Nanning and Guangxi’s high-tech industrial base; has become an important window of Nanning’s reform and opening up and the most dynamic new economic growth point; and truly become the paradise for entrepreneurs, the cradle of entrepreneurs. Since the beginning of this year, Nanning Hi-tech Zone has promoted the economic development of the park with service innovation. From January 2007 to September 2007, the total output value of high-tech zone science and technology industrial park totaled 7.626 billion yuan, an increase of 36.69% over the same period of last year, completing 73.82% of annual tasks; completing 2.156 billion yuan of fixed assets investment in the whole society, an increase of 16.93% Completed 64.08% of its annual tasks, of which the investment in technical innovation amounted to 473 million yuan, completing 52.56% of annual tasks; completed the fiscal revenue of 528 million yuan, an increase of 23% over the same period of last year and 68.37% of the annual tasks completed. All major economic indicators continued to maintain their high growth for many years in a row. They maintained their strong growth momentum and development potential, and maintained sound and sound momentum of sound development. “In the new historical conditions, Nanning High-tech Zone to further innovate service methods and continuously improve the capacity and level of service for enterprises in the park to ensure sound and rapid economic development in the park. ” Nanning High-tech Zone Party committee secretary, CMC Director Li Xiaodong said.
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