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展览业的生命力,在于它能够超前地、全面地、专业地展现世界工农 业生产与科学技术的最新成果。历史证明,世界的新技术、新产品、 新材料、新工艺,往往都是通过展览会最先传播出去的,它就像是产业与科技界的“奥运会”一样。与此同时,新技术和新产品的运用,也推动着展览业的发展。电子商务的出现,一方面使得展览业开始探讨利用电子商务进行管理的可行性,使展览体系市场化。另一方面,网上展会可以为实物展会提供全方位的服务,使得实物展览如虎添翼。可以预言,国内展览业正步入e时代。 The vitality of the exhibition industry lies in its ability to demonstrate in advance, comprehensively and professionally the latest achievements of the world’s industrial and agricultural production and science and technology. History has proved that the world’s new technologies, new products, new materials and new crafts are often first disseminated through the exhibition. It is just like the “Olympic Games” of industry and science and technology circles. At the same time, the use of new technologies and new products has also promoted the development of the exhibition industry. The emergence of e-commerce, on the one hand makes the exhibition industry began to explore the feasibility of using e-commerce management, the exhibition system market. On the other hand, online exhibitions can provide a full range of services for physical exhibitions, making physical exhibitions even more powerful. It can be predicted that the domestic exhibition industry is entering the e-era.
Objective. The aim of this phase II study was to evaluate the efficac y and tox icity of gemcitabine, carboplatin, and paclitaxel (GCP) combination as salvage t
We describe a patient with erythrodermic adult T-cell leukaemia/ lymphoma resistant to multiple systemic therapies who, on the commencement of daclizumab, a hum
Objective: To explore angiopoietins (Ang-1, Ang-2)/Tie-2 expression and angiogenesis in stomach carcinomas. Methods: RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used t
我科收治一例蒂生长于筛窦内同时侵及额窦及眶内且体积较大的骨瘤病例,报导如下:  患者 男 1988年出生,未婚,2005年9月20日以左眼眶内占位病变收治眼科,该患者一个月前无明显诱因发现左眼内眦一圆形硬性肿物,眼部胀感,无其他不适,近日增大.全身检查无异常,左内眦较对侧宽,可见圆形膨出,约3cm×3cm,表面光滑、质硬与周围无粘连,无压痛。
Objective:This study examines the operative details and complications of colorectal resection in patients with ovarian and primary peritoneal carcinoma. Study d
保障措施是多边贸易协定中的重要内容。它的目的是 ,使多边贸易协定的缔约国在因进口产品数量骤增以至于对国内相同产业造成损害或威胁时 ,有权对该种产品进口进行限制。本文