
来源 :语文学刊(外语教育教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Kitten
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本文创新点在于从功能语言学的角度出发,结合语用学的相关理论框架,对杭州某大学大二学生英语写作中并指示词的应用情况作了实证调查。本研究采用课堂作文研究工具,首先对学生作文的话语特点作了归纳,发现学生只有在主题句中,才以“I”为主语阐明自己的观点。从衔接和连贯的角度出发,对学生写作中所有指示词的用法做了描写,最后发现学生在议论文写作的过程中运用了与母语相一致的策略来保全面子。 The innovation of this paper is that from the perspective of functional linguistics, combined with the relevant theoretical framework of pragmatics, this paper conducts an empirical investigation into the application of the directives in the English writing of a university sophomore in Hangzhou. In this study, classroom essay research tools are used to summarize the characteristics of the discourse of students’ compositions. It is found that students only use “I” as the subject to clarify their views only in the thematic sentences. From the perspective of cohesion and coherence, it describes the usage of all the demonstratives in the students’ writing, and finally finds that students use face-to-face strategies to preserve their faces in the process of their writing.
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