
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyx8113999
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背景:经典型Kaposi肉瘤(CKS)主要发生于东欧地中海地区的中老年男性,以色列CKS的发病率居世界之首。几乎所有患者都可检出抗Kaposi肉瘤相关疱疹病毒(KSH V)抗体。以色列人相对较高的KSH V血清阳性率与其CKS发病率普遍相关。此病毒的性传播方式被认为是在男性同性恋者之间,但其? Background: The classic Kaposi’s sarcoma (CKS) occurs mainly in middle-aged and elderly men in the Eastern European Mediterranean region. The incidence of CKS in Israel ranks first in the world. Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSH V) antibody can be detected in almost all patients. The relatively high prevalence of KSH V seropositivity among Israelis correlates generally with the incidence of CKS. The sexually transmitted form of the virus is thought to be between gay men, but is it?
本文论述了针对《机械制图》这门课程的讲和学,根据学生的具体情况采用了讲、练、学、论相结合的灵活多样的教学方法,可以取得比较好的教学效果。 This essay discusses the
本人简要论述了亮中煤田的地理位置,区域底层和区域构造,并对其区域构造进行了简要分析。 I briefly discussed the geographical location of Liangzhong coalfield, the r
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