Source process of M_s6.4 earthquake in Ning’er, Yunnan in 2007

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:humeiyu2009
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The moment tensor solution, source time function and spatial-temporal rupture process of the MS6.4 earthquake, which occurred in Ning’er, Yunnan Province, are obtained by inverting the broadband waveform data of 20 global stations. The inverted result shows that the scalar seismic moment is 5.51×1018 Nm, which corresponds to a moment magnitude of MW 6.4. The correspondent best double couple solution results in two nodal planes of strike 152°/dip 54°/rake 166°, and strike 250°/dip 79°/ rake 37°, respectively. Considering the isoseismals and geological structures in the meizoseismal region, the first nodal plane (strike 152°/ dip 54°/ rake 166°) is preferred to be the seismogenic fault. Thus, the MS6.4 earthquake occurred mainly along a right-lateral fault striking 152°. The source time function shows that the duration time of the earthquake is about 14 s. The most of the energy releases within the first 11 s and in 11-14 s the rupture is weak. The snapshots of the slip-rate indicate that the rupture process has 3 more detailed stages. In the first stage of the first 4 s after rupture initiation, the rupture propagates simultaneously toward both strike and dip directions; in the second stage of the following 3 s, the rupture extends to down-dip direction; and in the third stage, the rupture looks to be scattering on the fault. In general, this earthquake is of bilateral rupture, and the rupture mainly takes place in strike-dip direction. The major ruptured area is in the shape of a diamond with a dimension of 19 km. On the whole fault plane, the maximum slip is about 1.2 m, the average slip is about 0.1 m, the maxi-mum slip-rate is 0.4 m/s and the average slip-rate is 0.1 m/s. The features of the co-seismic theoretical displacement field of the Ning’er earthquake fault, calculated based on the inverted fault parameters, are consistent with those of the observed isoseismals. The moment tensor solution, source time function and spatial-temporal rupture process of the MS6.4 earthquake, which occurred in Ning’er, Yunnan Province, are obtained by inverting the broadband waveform data of 20 global stations. The scalar seismic moment is 5.51 × 1018 Nm, which corresponds to a moment magnitude of MW 6.4. The correspondent best double couple solution results in two nodal planes of strike 152 ° / dip 54 ° / rake 166 °, and strike 250 ° / dip 79 ° / rake 37 °, respectively. Considering the isoseismals and geological structures in the meizoseismal region, the first nodal plane (strike 152 ° / dip 54 ° / rake 166 °) is preferred to be the seismogenic fault. Thus, the MS 6.4 The source time function shows that duration duration of the earthquake is about 14 s. The most of the energy releases within the first 11 s and in 11-14 s the rupture is weak. The snapshots of the slip-rate indicate that the rupture process has 3 following rupture initiation, the rupture propagates simultaneously both toward strike and dip directions; in the second stage of the following 3 s, the rupture extends to down in general, this earthquake is of bilateral rupture, and the rupture looks to be scattering on the fault. the general rupture looks to be scattering on the fault. of a diamond with a dimension of 19 km. On the whole fault plane, the maximum slip is about 1.2 m, the average slip is about 0.1 m, the maxi-mum slip-rate is 0.4 m / s and the average slip-rate The features of the co-seismic theoretical disposition field of the Ning’er earthquake fault, calculated based on the inverted fault parameters, are consistent with those of the observed isoseismals.
患者女,15岁,因全身多发痛性结节14 d收治入院.体检:生命体征平稳,右腋下可及约3 cm×4 cm肿大淋巴结,活动,质中,轻触痛.右侧颞顶部约2 cm×2 cm大小的囊性结节,有触痛.躯干部、大腿背面可见多发结节,结节分为两类:一类表面为红色,突出表皮,大小约为0.5 cm×1 cm,触痛明显;另一类为皮下或肌肉间的结节,大小约为2 cm×4cm,有压痛.无其他阳性体征.血常规提示白细胞13.
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