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新型转基因棉花生态适合度及其对棉田昆虫群落的影响是转基因棉花环境安全评价的重点内容.本文选用新型转GAFP(Gastrodia anti-fungal protein)基因棉花及其非转基因亲本棉花为试验材料,于2013和2014年在河南安阳研究了田间棉花生态适合度及其对昆虫群落的影响.结果表明:转基因棉蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶片干物质量与其亲本无显著差异;苗期比叶面积显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶面积显著大于亲本;苗期株高显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期株高与亲本无显著差异;棉花生长的4个关键时期(苗期、蕾期、花铃期和铃期),转基因棉单株果枝数、蕾数和脱落数均与亲本无显著差异,而铃期单株大铃数显著低于亲本.棉铃虫发生的3个高峰期,转基因棉对棉铃虫和甜菜夜蛾无明显控制作用,且对棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的昆虫个体总数、昆虫群落结构与组成、均匀性指数、多样性指数和优势集中性指数均无显著影响.表明外源基因GAFP导入后,新型转基因棉花营养生长增强,产量构成性状整体无显著变化,未引起棉田昆虫群落变化.研究初步明确了新型转基因棉花生存竞争势态和棉田昆虫群落发生规律与动态,可为新型转基因棉花环境安全评价提供理论依据,同时为转基因棉花环境安全评价积累科学数据. The ecological suitability of new transgenic cotton and its influence on insect communities in cotton fields are the key contents of environmental safety evaluation of transgenic cotton.In this study, a new type of genetically modified cotton (GAFP) transgenic cotton and its non-transgenic cotton were used as materials in 2013 And studied the ecological fitness of cotton and its impact on insect communities in Anyang, Henan Province in 2014. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the dry weight of transgenic cotton leaves and their parents at the bud, flowering and boll stage, and the specific leaf area at seedling stage was significant The leaf area at budding, bollwering and boll stage was significantly higher than that of the parental at seedling stage. The plant height at seedling stage was significantly lower than that of the parental line. There was no significant difference between the plant height at budding stage, boll stage and boll stage. The boll number, bud number and shedding number of the transgenic plants were not significantly different from those of the parents in the key stages (seedling stage, bud stage, boll stage and boll stage) At the three peak periods, the transgenic cotton had no significant control effects on the cotton bollworm and beet armyworm, and the total number of insect individuals, the insect community structure, the insect community, the pest sub-community and the natural enemy sub-community in the cotton field, And had no significant effect on the composition, evenness index, diversity index and dominant concentration index.The results showed that the new transgenic cotton enhanced the vegetative growth and the yield traits did not change significantly after the introduction of foreign gene GAFP, which did not cause the change of insect community in cotton field. The study initially clarified the survival competition status of new transgenic cotton and the occurrence regularity and dynamics of insect community in cotton field, which could provide theoretical basis for environmental safety evaluation of new transgenic cotton and accumulated scientific data for environmental safety evaluation of transgenic cotton.
通过对三次不同阶段的“机械能守恒定律”教学的比较,总结出中学物理课堂教学改进与发展的意义和做法,明确了物理教师发展的方向。 Through the comparison of the teaching
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