Dehydrogenation characteristic of Zr_(1-x)M_xCo (M=Hf,Sc) alloy

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boycant
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The intermetallic compound Zr1-xHfxCo and Zr1-xScxCo(x=0,0.1,0.2,0.3) were prepared and their suitability for hydrogen storage was investigated. The alloys show single cubic phase identical with ZrCo by X-ray diffraction. Pressure-composition-temperature(PCT) measurement results show that the equilibrium dehydrogenation pressure of Zr1-xHfxCo alloy increases obviously with increasing Hf content while it changes little with increasing Sc content for Zr1-xScxCo alloy. The dehydrogenation temperatures for supplying 100 kPa hydrogen are about 673,627,and 650 K for ZrCo,Zr0.7Hf0.3Co and Zr0.7Sc0.3Co alloy,respectively. Thermodynamics calculation results indicate that dehydrogenation -H for Zr1-xHfxCo alloy decreases with increasing Hf content but increases with increasing Sc content for Zr1-xScxCo alloy,which are coincident with their dehydrogenation property. The maximal hydrogen storage capacity of both Zr1-xHfxCo and Zr1-xScxCo alloy at room temperature are high enough. The intermetallic compound Zr1-xHfxCo and Zr1-xScxCo (x = 0,0.1,0.2,0.3) were prepared and their suitability for hydrogen storage was investigated. The alloys show single cubic phase identical with ZrCo by X-ray diffraction. -temperature (PCT) measurement results show that the equilibrium dehydrogenation pressure of Zr1-xHfxCo alloy increases obviously with increasing Hf content while it changes little with increasing Sc content for Zr1-xScxCo alloy. The dehydrogenation temperatures for supplying 100 kPa hydrogen are about 673,627, and 650 K for ZrCo, Zr0.7Hf0.3Co and Zr0.7Sc0.3Co alloy, respectively. Thermodynamics calculation results indicate that dehydrogenation -H for Zr1-xHfxCo alloy with increasing Hf content but increases with increasing Sc content for Zr1-xScxCo alloy , which are coincident with their dehydrogenation property. The maximal hydrogen storage capacity of both Zr1-xHfxCo and Zr1-xScxCo alloy at room temperature are high enough.
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