
来源 :湖北招生考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaomingfang
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高等职业教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,是高等教育大众化普及的主渠道。高等职业教育的发展,不仅关系到中国高等教育发展的成败,更关系到整个国家国际竞争力的提高。从政府责任的视角来分析高职教育发展过程中存在的问题,能更好体现社会对高职教育发展的诉求与政府责任的内在统一性。本文简要地分析了政府促进高职教育发展的基本依据与责任定位、高职教育发展中存在的问题。从政府层面来分析高职教育存在的问题,力图通过政府的宏观调控、政府的职能转变和政府的制度保障等方面来解决高职教育面临的问题,以此促进高职教育发展,实现高职教育与经济社会的协调发展。 Higher vocational education is an important part of higher education in our country and the main channel for popularization of higher education. The development of higher vocational education not only concerns the success or failure of the development of Chinese higher education, but also the improvement of the international competitiveness of the entire country. Analyzing the existing problems in the development of higher vocational education from the perspective of the government responsibility can better reflect the social unity of the demands of the development of higher vocational education and government responsibilities. This article briefly analyzes the basic basis and responsibilities of the government in promoting the development of higher vocational education and the problems in the development of higher vocational education. From the government level to analyze the existing problems of higher vocational education, trying to solve the problems facing higher vocational education through the government’s macro-control, the government’s functional transformation and the government’s institutional guarantee, in order to promote the development of higher vocational education and achieve higher vocational education Coordinated Development of Education and Economy and Society.
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有人说,好照片“一图胜千言”; 有人说,一幅优秀摄影作品,犹如一首诗; 也有人说,“新闻照片只有一天的寿命”。而我读于文国的新闻照片《窑主与矿工》,觉得它很有思想深度;