Slip model for the 2011 M_w 9.0 Sendai (Japan) earthquake and its M_w 7.9 aftershock derived from GP

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lialiaoliao
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Using GPS-measured coseismic and post-seismic displacements for the 8 h following the M w 9.0 Sendai earthquake of March 11, 2011, coseismic and post-seismic fault slip models were developed based on a layered crustal model. The geodetic moment magnitude of the main shock was measured as approximately M w 8.98. The slip exhibits clear reverse characteristics, with a maximum near the hypocenter, and a magnitude of about 23.3 m. Some strike-slip behavior may occur on the two sides of the peak rupture zone. Almost 90% of the seismic moments released by the main shock occurred at depths less than 40 km. The energy released by the fault slip in the 8 h following the main shock is approximately equal to an earthquake of M w 8.13. With a maximum of ~1.5 m, the post-seismic slip was concentrated in the southwestern part of the coseismic rupture fault, which agrees well with the location and behavior of the M w 7.9 aftershock. This implies that the post-seismic deformation in the 8 h after the main shock was mainly induced by the M w 7.9 aftershock. In addition, a post-seismic slip of 0.2-0.4 m was observed at the down-dip extension of the coseismic rupture, which may have been caused by the effect of after-slip during this period. Using GPS-measured coseismic and post-seismic displacements for the 8 h following the M w 9.0 Sendai earthquake of March 11, 2011, coseismic and post-seismic fault slip models were developed based on a layered crustal model. The geodetic moment magnitude of the main strike was measured as approximately M w 8.98. The slip exhibits clear reverse characteristics, with a maximum near the hypocenter, and a magnitude of about 23.3 m. Some strike-slip behavior may occur on the two sides of the peak rupture zone. Almost 90% of the seismic moments released by the main shock occurred at depths less than 40 km. The energy released by the fault slip in the 8 h following the main shock is approximately equal to an earthquake of Mw 8.13. With a maximum of ~ 1.5 m, the post-seismic slip was concentrated in the southwestern part of the coseismic rupture fault, which agrees well with the location and behavior of the Mw 7.9 aftershock. This implies that the post-seismic deformation in the 8 h after the main shock was mainly induced by the Mw 7.9 aftershock. In addition, a post-seismic slip of 0.2-0.4 m was observed at the down-dip extension of the coseismic rupture, which may have been caused by the effect of after-slip during this period.
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