
来源 :上海鲁迅研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zy15400444
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1927年7月24日,顾颉刚给鲁迅去信,声称鲁迅在汉口《中央日报副刊》上登载的书信中说顾氏反对国民党,于是他决定“拟于九月中回粤后提起诉讼,听候法律解决。如颉刚确有反革命之事实,虽受死刑,亦所甘心,否则先生等自当负发言之责任。务请先生及谢先生暂勿离粤,以俟开审,不胜感盼”。鲁迅一生以原告的身份打过两场官司,一是状告教育总长章士钊非法罢免自己职务,二是向北新书局老板李小峰追讨版税。 On July 24, 1927, Gu Jiegang sent a letter to Lu Xun stating that Lu Xun said Gu’s opposition to the Kuomintang in a letter posted on the Central Daily Supplement of Hankow that he decided to file a lawsuit in the middle of September after his return to Guangdong If Jie does have the counter-revolutionary facts, he will be willing to sacrifice his death sentence, otherwise he or she should assume the responsibility of making a negative statement. Please help Mr. and Mr. Tse temporarily not to leave Guangdong for trial, ". Lu Xun’s life as the plaintiff’s identity had fought two lawsuits, one sued Zhang Shi-chiao, education chief illegally removed his position, and second, to the North Bookstore boss Li Xiaofeng pursue royalties.
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