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要研究知识转移,就要研究知识转移发生的各种方式,即知识转移机制。学者们由于关注的视角不同,对知识转移机制的理解也不同,因而目前有关知识转移机制的研究显得很混乱。本文在文献分析的基础上,采用规范分析的方法建立了一个规范的知识转移机制模型。该模型将知识转移机制分为三个方面:一是知识转移的过程机制,即知识是如何一步步从一个主体转移到另一个主体的;二是知识转移的方式机制,即知识转移过程中具体采用什么样的转移方式,以及如何选择和组合这些转移方式;三是知识转移的治理机制,即知识转移过程中各步骤的事件是如何被激发或管理的。论文对知识转移的机制类型进行了清晰的梳理和规范化研究,使得不同的研究能够清晰地找到各自的位置,从而有助于知识转移研究在现有的基础上走向深入。 To study knowledge transfer, it is necessary to study various ways of knowledge transfer, that is, knowledge transfer mechanism. Because of different perspectives, scholars have different understanding of the mechanism of knowledge transfer, so the current researches on knowledge transfer mechanism seem very chaotic. Based on the literature analysis, this paper establishes a standardized model of knowledge transfer mechanism by adopting the method of normative analysis. The model divides the knowledge transfer mechanism into three aspects: one is the process mechanism of knowledge transfer, that is, how knowledge is transferred step by step from one subject to another; the second is the mode mechanism of knowledge transfer, that is, the specific process of knowledge transfer What kind of transfer method should be used and how to choose and combine these transfer methods; and thirdly, the mechanism of knowledge transfer, that is, how the events of each step in the process of knowledge transfer are stimulated or managed. The dissertation clarifies the mechanism types of knowledge transfer clearly and standardizes them so that different research can find their own positions clearly, which helps the research on knowledge transfer to go deeper on the existing basis.
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大宝小宝一起做作业。小宝叫大宝给他拿支铅笔。大宝抬头一瞧,笔就在桌上,小宝完全可以自己拿到,就让他自己拿。可小宝不依不饶:你给我拿,我要你给我拿。大宝很不理解,可是你自己能拿得到呀?结果,小宝开始急了,你快点给我拿,你不给我拿,我要挠你痒痒了!我不是开玩笑的!  一旁的我忍不住地偷笑,且看俩活宝如何继续。  大宝的倔劲也上来了,我不要给你拿,你自己拿得到,你自己拿嘛!小宝语气变得激烈起来:你老是指