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新时期政工工作对企业的政工人员提出了新的要求,它在维护职工权利,协调生产劳动关系,促进企业科学管理,提高经济效益,维护企业稳定,密切干群关系等诸多方面都起到了促进作用。新时期习近平总书记提出了要实现中国梦的设想,而企业的正常运转是实现中国梦的一个重要基础。因此,职工的政工管理是促进企业和谐的重要手段,也是当前工会工作的重要的切入点。1.夯实政工管理基础,坚持和完善职代会制度职代会是企业管理的基本制度,是职工行使管理权力的法定基本形式。经过职代会的召开,广大职工代表参政议政,围绕企业安全生 In the new era, the work of political workers put forward new requirements for the political workers in the enterprise. It promoted the rights of workers and staff, coordinated the production of labor relations, promoted the scientific management of enterprises, increased the economic benefits, maintained the stability of the enterprises, and closely linked the relations between cadres and the masses effect. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the vision of realizing the Chinese dream in the new era, and the normal operation of the enterprise is an important foundation for realizing the Chinese dream. Therefore, the workers’ political management is an important means to promote the harmony of the enterprises and also an important entry point for the current trade union work. 1. To consolidate the foundation of political management, adhere to and improve the system of employee representative system Workers’ congress is the basic system of enterprise management and is the statutory basic form for workers to exercise their management power. After the Workers’ Congress was convened, the broad masses of workers and staff representatives participated in the deliberation and administration of state affairs and revolved around the safety and health of enterprises
党的十五大已经胜利闭幕,各地中小学正在认真贯彻十五大精神,采取各种形式对中小学生进行热爱中国共产党的教育。那么,如何对孩童进行热爱党的教育呢? 第一,因势利导法:从当
人,是生命链索的一环,生命的链索是无穷无尽的,它通过人,从遥远的过去伸向渺茫的未来。[俄]柯罗连科一个人生在哪里,不由自己。[阿根廷]博尔赫斯 Human beings are part of
1 问题的提出国家《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》所构建课程改革的目标是:“改变课程过于注重知识传播的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得基础知识与基本技能的过程
目的 研究急性心肌梗塞 (AMI)后QT离散度 (QTd)的演变及其对快速室性心律失常的预测价值。方法 测量 34例AMI后患者不同时期和伴室性心律失常时的QTd ,并与健康对照组 (90
在渠道和铺货几乎已经做到极致、没有多少空间可供挖掘的时候,许连捷希望恒安在管理端的变革能够收获更高的利润率。 Xu Lianjie hopes Hengan’s management changes will