
来源 :中小学数学(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newpeoplea
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在与同事交流时,特别是在考试阅卷后,经常听到这样的感叹:这种类型的题已经做过n遍了,讲的时候学生也都听懂了,为什么又出错了呢!我认为出现这一现象除了学生的原因外还有老师教的问题.如何改变教师的教学行为来提高学生的解题能力是每一位老师面临的课题.现谈谈我的几点认识.一、变罗列基础知识为基础知识习题化我们平时授课往往是学完一个新的知识点(新定义、新公式和新定理等)后,紧跟着就是这个知识点的应用,学生可以不假思索的利用这个新的知识点解题.当学完一个单元后,多数学生能够熟练的一一列举该单元所有的基础知识,可解题时就不知道用哪个知识点了(最突出的是一些相近的性质和判定),感觉无从下手.由此可见,熟记基础知识只是会解题的前提,能够准确的应用才是关键.为此在平时的教学中, When I communicate with my colleagues, especially after exams, I often hear this kind of sigh: This type of question has been done n times. When students talked, they all understood it. Why did they make a mistake? I think This phenomenon occurs in addition to the students’ reasons. There are also teachers’ problems. How to change teachers’ teaching behavior to improve students’ problem-solving abilities is a task faced by every teacher. Let’s talk about a few points of my understanding. The basic knowledge is listed as basic knowledge. The usual lesson we teach is usually after learning a new knowledge point (new definitions, new formulas, new theorems, etc.), followed by the application of this knowledge point. Students can use this new idea without thinking. The knowledge points solve the problem. When a unit is learned, most students can skillfully list all the basic knowledge of the unit. When solving a problem, they do not know which knowledge point to use (most notable are some similar properties and Judging), I feel that I can’t get started. This shows that memorizing the basic knowledge is only a prerequisite for solving the problem, and the accurate application is the key. For this reason, in the usual teaching,
<正> 年龄和犯罪兰德公司的琼·彼得瑞西利娅和她的同事曾对五十名惯犯的犯罪生涯进行了详尽的研究。他们的研究工作发现,在这些积习成性的罪犯中最活跃的犯罪时期,大致在十六岁到二十二岁之间。然而,最重的惩罚却在相当晚一些的年岁才来临。明确地说,他们所研究过的罪犯(所有的人都因持枪抢劫
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