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清真堂落成后,大兴街上的回民都很兴奋,一个貌不起眼的小院,每天都吸引一些人来观看。大家筹划着,邀请县里和镇上捐助清真堂的人士,在院里搞一个彰显民族团结的仪式。族长指着一面墙对我说,写一篇《大兴街清真堂记》吧。领命撰文自是我的荣耀,但让一篇数百字的小记去承载什么呢?举重若轻地提着毛笔来个即兴写作吧:“华坪回族,历来居于旧衙坪、大兴街、华荣庄、新庄四地。世代通婚,结为族亲;互为连理,共面存亡。数百年间,尤以大兴街回族所经历之历史动荡最为剧烈。史载,大兴街北境于清初形成回族村落,即今新文回子村。后滇西杜文秀起兵,建大理政权,盐源回族揭竿响应,义 After the establishment of Halal Hall, the Muslims in Daxing Street are very excited. An ordinary small courtyard attracts some people every day to watch. Everyone planned and invited those in the county and town who donated mosque to engage in a ceremony to show their unity in the courtyard. Patriarch pointing to a wall, said to me, write an article, ”Daxing Street Muslim Church remember it.“ Leading author of my self since the glory, but let a small number of hundreds of small note to carry what? Emphasis on writing brush to write an impromptu bar: ”Huaping Hui, has always lived in the old Yaping, Tai Hing Street, Huarong Zhuang, Xinzhuang four. Generations of marriage, as a pro-family; each other as a lian, co-exist. Hundreds of years, especially the history of the revival of the Daxing Street Hui most violent. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, a Hui village was formed, and now the new article was returned to the village .After the Du Wenxiu uprising in Yunnan Province, built the Dali regime,
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<正> 年龄和犯罪兰德公司的琼·彼得瑞西利娅和她的同事曾对五十名惯犯的犯罪生涯进行了详尽的研究。他们的研究工作发现,在这些积习成性的罪犯中最活跃的犯罪时期,大致在十六岁到二十二岁之间。然而,最重的惩罚却在相当晚一些的年岁才来临。明确地说,他们所研究过的罪犯(所有的人都因持枪抢劫
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