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项英是无产阶级革命家,工人出身的工人运动领袖,中国共产党和中国工农红军的早期领导人之一,新四军的创建人和主要领导人之一。他于1922年4月加入中国共产党,是中共“二大”代表,第三至第六届中央委员,第六届中央政治局委员、常务委员、书记处书记,担任过中共中央职工运动委员会书记、中华全国总工会委员长,中共中央苏区中央局代理书记、中央革命军事委员会主席,中华苏维埃共和国副主席、中革军委代主席,中共苏区中央分局书记、中央军区司令员兼政治委员,新四军副军长(政治委员)、中共中央军委新四军分会书记、中共中央东南分局(后东南局)书记等职,为中国人民解放事业、共产主义事业奋斗了一生,是中国革命史、党史、军史上有重要影响的一位人物。为纪念项英诞辰100周年,笔者根据多年来研究项英所接触到的史料,对项英早年在湖北的革命活动作一简要介绍,以飧读者。 Xiang Ying is one of the proletarian revolutionaries, the workers ’movement leader born of workers, one of the early leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants, and the founding member and principal leader of the New Fourth Army. He joined the Communist Party of China in April 1922 and was the representative of the “Second Big” of the CCP, the third to the sixth members of the CPC Central Committee, the sixth member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, secretary of the Secretariat and the secretary of the staff movement committee of the CPC Central Committee , Chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, vice chairman of the Chinese Soviet Republic, acting chairman of the Central Military Commission of the PLA, secretary of the Central Sub-district of the CPC Central Committee, commander and political commissar of the Central Military Region The commander-in-chief of the army (political commissar), secretary of the New Fourth Army Branch of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Southeast Branch of the CPC Central Committee (post-southeast bureau), worked hard for the cause of the Chinese people’s liberation and for the cause of communism for a lifetime and is one of China’s revolutionary history, party history and military history A person who has an important influence. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Xiang Ying, based on the historical materials that have been brought into contact with Xiang Ying over the years, the author briefly introduces Xiang Ying’s revolutionary activities in Hubei in his early years in order to readers.
For solving the issues of the signal reconstruction of nonlinear non-Gaussian signals in wireless sensor networks(WSNs), a new signal reconstruction algorithm b
对于属性值离散化约简,Andrzej Skowron给出了割集方法,该方法虽然简单可行,但在属性值致密的情况下,产生的割集较大,数据的约简效率较低.提出用Rough Logic方法对Andrzej Sk