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现代的企业需要现代的管理;现代的管理需要管理者具备现代的管理知识;现代管理知识需要现代的商学院来传授。商学院的企业管理教学就是循着这样的逻辑诞生的,社会对商学院的需求也是循着这样的逻辑产生并增长的。有人说,中国企业之所以在世界500强中默默无闻,中国之所以缺乏长寿的企业,根本原因在于现代企业管理知识的欠缺。一位企业家曾说:我的企业第一桶金似乎是从天而降的,从那以后我曾经非常相信运气。但是,当企业发展起来,当资产过亿之后,我终于发现,企业的财富积累其实是有规律的。这个时候,我不再相信运气,而是相信了科学——管理科学。 Modern enterprises need modern management; modern management requires managers with modern management knowledge; modern management knowledge needs modern business schools to teach. Business management teaching in business schools is based on the logic of the birth, the social needs of business schools also follow this logic to produce and grow. Some people say that the reason why Chinese enterprises are unknown in the world top 500 and the reason why China lacks long-lived enterprises lies in the lack of knowledge of modern business management. An entrepreneur once said: The first pot of gold in my business seems to have fallen from the sky, and I have been very lucky. However, when the enterprise developed and the assets surpassed one billion, I finally found out that the accumulation of wealth of enterprises actually has a regular pattern. This time, I no longer believe in luck, but believe in science - management science.
相传,华山有八座山峰,曾有人以华山为题写过一首诗,要按爬山的路线才能把诗读完整,让我们一起来看一看吧! According to legend, there are eight peaks Huashan, Huashan h
5月20日 晴  爸爸妈妈,感谢你们给了我生命,给了我幸福,给了我一个家。一直以来,妈妈,你的体贴、呵护是我顺利前行的加油站;而爸爸,你的正直、严厉又为我的航程指引方向。你们是我的骄傲!但是,你们知道吗,我有许多心声一直想向你们吐露。  妈妈,每当我成绩考得差时,您就会说:“你看看你,考的是什么?你怎么不如那个刘雷啊!”您要知道,我有时也会超过他啊!  妈妈,每当我玩游戏时,您就会说:“作业写完了
在牙周炎中 ,蛋白酶和自由基团从炎性细胞中释放出来 ,特别是多形核白细胞的释放 ,可损伤临近的牙周组织。与牙周炎有关的细菌 (包括卟啉单胞菌和普雷沃氏菌及伴放线放线杆菌
夏夜乘凉,开个赛诗会,一定别有一番情趣。让我们来看看诗人的夏天,比一比,看谁诵读的夏日诗句多。 Enjoy the cool summer nights, open a poem, must have some fun. Let u
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