Effects of ZrO_2 Content on Structure and Performance of Cu/CeO_2-ZrO_2 Catalysts for Water-Gas Shif

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gnaixug
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Cu/CeO_2-ZrO_2 catalysts for water-gas shift (WGS) reaction were prepared with co-precipitation method, and the influence of ZrO_2 content on the catalytic structure and properties was investigated by the techniques of N_2 physical adsorption analysis, XRD and H_2-TPR. The results indicate that the BET surface areas of the catalysts are increased in varying degrees due to the presence of ZrO_2. With increasing ZrO_2 content, the pore size distribution is centered on 1.9 nm. ZrO_2 can efficiently restrain the growth of Cu crystal particles. The appropriate amount of ZrO_2 in the Cu/CeO_2 catalysts can help the catalyst keep better copper dispersion in the WGS reaction, which can lead to both higher catalytic activity and better thermal stability. When ZrO_2 content is 10% (atom fraction), Cu/CeO_2-ZrO_2 catalyst reaches a CO conversion rate of 73.7% at the reaction temperature of 200 ℃. Cu / CeO_2-ZrO_2 catalysts for water-gas shift (WGS) reaction were prepared with co-precipitation method, and the influence of ZrO_2 content on the catalytic structure and properties was investigated by the techniques of N_2 physical adsorption analysis, XRD and H_2- TPR. The results indicate that the BET surface areas of the catalysts are increased in varying degrees due to the presence of ZrO 2. With increasing ZrO 2 content, the pore size distribution is centered on 1.9 nm. ZrO 2 can efficiently restrain the growth of Cu crystal particles . The appropriate amount of ZrO 2 in the Cu / CeO 2 catalysts can help the catalyst keep better copper dispersion in the WGS reaction, which can lead to both higher catalytic activity and better thermal stability. When ZrO 2 content is 10% (atomic fraction), Cu / CeO 2 -ZrO 2 catalyst reaches a CO conversion rate of 73.7% at the reaction temperature of 200 ℃.
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