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生意场上混久了的老板,其最大的忧虑之一便是积压滞销。有时一笔生意算得天衣无缝,货也即将运到,可转眼间市场行情骤变,畅销品成了压仓货,轻则成百上万元赔进去,元气大伤,重则负债累累,破产倒闭。于是,倒霉的老板跺脚大叹:人算不如天算! 现代商战瞬息万变,再精明的老板要百分之百的看准行情,笔笔成交,绝无可能。但面对市场的变化,处惊不变,做别人之未做,想他人之未想,另辟蹊径以转危为安,需要经营者具有超人的勇气、魄力和胆识。南德集团总经理牟其中作为当代中国商界的佼佼者,他的成名之作——用中国滞销的罐头,换来4架大型客机,转手赚了近亿的利润,着实令老板们在震惊之余又佩服得五体投地。 这钱是怎么赚的?偌大的四川省航空公司,创办初期竟无一架属于自己干线的客机,朝思暮想,怎奈无钱;原苏联航空工业很发达,飞机多的是,且价格相当便宜,但他们缺乏日用消费品,火烧眉毛;而在我国的企业、商场,日用消费品积压如山,老板如坐针毡。如果能换一换,三方都得利。牟其中想到了,南德集团精心组织策划解决了:从国内收购了500车皮的罐头、衣服、暖瓶、鞋子等日用品运抵俄罗斯。换回了4架大型客机 One of the biggest worries of the long-standing bosses on the business field is the backlog of unsold sales. Sometimes a business is considered seamless and the goods are coming soon. In the twinkling of an eye, sudden changes in market conditions can make the best-selling products become pressure-housed goods, which can amount to hundreds of thousands of yuan and lose money, causing serious injuries and heavy debts and bankruptcy. . As a result, the unlucky boss sighs with disdain: people are not as good as the heavens! Modern business battles are changing rapidly, and then the shrewd boss must look for the market 100%, pen and paper transactions, is absolutely impossible. However, in the face of changes in the market, we must be constantly amazed. To do what others have not done, to think of others, and to find new ways to turn a corner to safety, requires the operators to have the courage, courage and courage of Superman. The general manager of Nande Group, as one of the leading figures in the contemporary Chinese business community, made a name for himself – using canned, unsold cans in exchange for four large passenger planes, and turned his hands to make a profit of nearly 100 million, which really shocked the bosses. I also admired five bodies. How did this money come from? The large Sichuan Airlines, when it was founded, did not have a passenger plane belonging to its own route at the beginning of its establishment. It had no money at all. The former Soviet aviation industry was well developed, and the number of aircraft was quite high, and the price was quite high. They are cheap, but they lack daily consumer goods and burn their eyebrows; while in our country’s enterprises and shopping malls, the daily use of consumer goods is overwhelming. If it can be replaced, the three parties will all benefit.牟 牟 牟 牟 牟 牟 想到 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南In exchange for 4 large passenger aircraft
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