
来源 :中华人民共和国国务院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtzy
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一九八二年原教育部颁发了《全日制小学思想品德课教学大纲》(试行草案),三年多的实践证明,它对于有计划、有系统地加强小学思想品德教育,提高小学思想品德课的教学质量,培养少年儿童良好的思想品德和行为习惯,起到了积极的作用,收到了较好的效果。为了适应社会主义现代化建设的需要,更好地按照新时期所需要的人才培养下一代,我们在总结各地实践经验、广泛征求意见的基础上,对教学大纲进行了修订。现将修订后的《全日制小学思想品德课教学大纲》颁发执行,望各地从一九八六年 In 1982, the former Ministry of Education issued the “Syllabus for Ideological and Moral Education of Full-time Primary Schools” (protocol draft). More than three years of practice has proved that it strengthens ideological and moral education in primary schools in a planned and systematic manner and improves the moral character of primary schools. The teaching quality of the lesson and the cultivation of good ideological morality and behavior habits of children and adolescents played an active role and received good results. In order to meet the needs of the socialist modernization drive and better train the next generation according to the talents needed in the new era, we have revised the syllabus on the basis of summarizing local practical experiences and extensively soliciting opinions. The revised “Syllabus for the Ideological and Moral Education of Full-time Primary Schools” is now being implemented. Looks from all over the country in 1986.
我院自1989~1992年8月,施行耻骨上前列腺摘除术24例,取得满意止血效果,现报告如下: 一般资料本组病例年龄53~80岁,平均年龄68.2岁。病程最长者16年,最短者1年。24例中有20例因