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自从1978年国门敞开,更多新闻记者走向世界,他们用充满好奇的双眼审视着变幻迷离的“外面的世界”,用相机捕捉着一幅幅诱人画面,于是艾菲尔铁塔的倩影、尼亚加拉大瀑布的雄姿、枫叶国的秋景跃然各大报刊之上,一时间令封闭多年的读者茅塞顿开,耳目一新。但是,随着对外交往逐渐拓宽和频繁,“蜻蜓点水”、“走马观花”式的浅层国际摄影报道方式难以满足读者需要了。面对色彩纷呈的世界,读者更渴求通过国际摄影报道这一渠道直观、深入、广泛地获知海外信息。探查受众心理,摒弃昔日以风光、掠影为主的肤浅报道,调转船头,搞更具吸引力的深层报道势在必行。近期我们新华社摄影部国际编辑室就专题报道作了些尝试,今日在此“抛砖”,以期引出更多的国际摄影专题“美玉”问世。 Since the country opened its door in 1978, more journalists went to the world. With curious eyes, they looked at the “blurred world” outside their eyes and captured the tempting images with their cameras. The Eiffel Tower’s shadow, Niagara Great majestic waterfall, Maple Leaf autumn vividly above the major newspapers and magazines, for a time so closed for many years the reader Mao Tunton, refreshing. However, with the gradual expansion and frequent diplomacy, shallow superficial international photographic coverage of “superficial” and “cursory” style can hardly meet the readers’ needs. Faced with a colorful world, readers are even more anxious to learn the overseas information intuitively, deeply and widely through this channel of international photography coverage. Exploring the psychology of the audience, abandoning the former superficial coverage based on the scenery and skimming, it is imperative to divert the bow and engage in more attractive and in-depth coverage. Recently, we Xinhua News Agency International Editing Department made some special reports on the topic, today in this “throw brick”, with a view to lead to more international photography project “beauty jade” come out.
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