Register—the indicator of the social status

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  The movie My Fair Lady, which is adapted from the drama Pygmalion written by Burnard show, tells a story about how a flower girl changes herself into a fair lady in upper class. The movie has won several items of Oscar Academy Award. Besides the plot and the musical expression that stir up people’s feeling, the classic dialogue and the artistic charm of the language also leave a deep impression.
  Register can present not only its reflectional meaning but also its social meaning, so it has the function of indicating. People’s social status, educational level, working environment etc. can be reflected from their usage of register, particularly the feature of pronunciation, words and grammar. Languages are influenced by those factors, and different register can lead to different social significance.
  In this movie, the words Eliza uses can reflect that kind of feature. When she sells flowers in the street, she says:
  “Tup-pence.” “Why’d ya take down me words?” “you wouldn’t let ‘im spoil a poor girl’s flow’rs and run away without payin’.” “Cheer up, Capt’n, buy a flow’r off a poor girl.”1
  She says “Tup” not “two”, “ya” not “you”, “capt’n” not “captain”. Besides, we can know how badly her pronunciation is through the evaluation from professor Higgins:
  “woman, cease this detectable boohooing instantly.” “To croon like a bilious pigeon” “wheeze”, “chatter”, “mutter”, “snivel” and “cry”.
  And the grammar of her language is also full of mistakes:
  “I ain’t done nothin’ wrong by speakin’ to the gentleman.” “They’ll take away me character and drive me on the streets for speakin’ to gentlemen.”
  When professor Higgins gives her chocolate, she says:
  “ I wouldn’t ’ve ate it, only I’m too lady like to take it out o’ me mouth.”
  All of those words belong to typical lower class language. Besides, her behavior is so indelicate that she always makes the strange sound “Garn……” .
  After training, Eliza’s words are normative, grammatical and being spoken by RP and almost nobody could find the trace of her lower class background. At the beginning, when Eliza faces something that offends her, she would yell out “Ah-ah-ow-oo” to show her anger. However, after the training, in the communication between Higgins and her, even when the professor loses his temper and shouts at her, she could face everything calmly and do the response wisely:
  “No,I don’t . That’s not the sort of feeling I want from you. I want a little kindness. I know I’m a common, ignorant girl, and you’re a book-learned gentleman, but I’m not dirt under your feet.”   The poor flower girl, Eliza, who comes from lower class, can improve, with the help of linguistic training, her ability of using formal register and advance her status in people’s eyes. And that is the strong proof of register’s indicating function of social status. However, only having the ability of choosing RP pronunciation and formal style of speaking is not enough. In the scene that Eliza takes part in a garden party, which is held in Mrs. Higgins’ house. Although Eliza’s performance earns people’s favor at first, the content of her words finally gives the show away. When Eliza hears a woman talking about influenza, she just wants to insert topic:
  “My aunt died of influenza, so they said. But it’s my belief they done the old woman in.”
  When others doubt the phrase “done her in”, she still keeps explaining.
  “But it can’t have been right for your father to pour spirits down her throat like that. It might have killed her.”But she answers: “Not her. Gin was mother’s milk to her. Besides, he poured so much down his own throat he knew the good of it.”
  Later in the horse race, when those ladies are watching the race elegantly, Eliza seems to forget her status at that moment, she begins to yell:
  “ Come on, Dover! Move your bloomin’arse!”
  This sentence reveals real her social status and lead to the faint of a lady. The exaggerate description here shows that the strict criterion and higher expectation of women’s language in upper class.
  From the above-mentioned, we can see that the selection of register has the strong effect of indicating people’s social nature. The formal register and polite register always reflect people’s higher breeding-up and social status, but the informal register and slang always have the opposite indicating. Participants need to improve their abilities of choosing register according to their own needs and they need to choose formal or informal register to achieve their goals. However, register is a kind of complex linguistic phenomenon, which contains the difference of not only tone and accent, but also vocabulary, grammar, pattern of sentence and even the topic. So the content of the speech is the key to indicating people’s social nature.
Ⅰ.Introduction  Ramsey’s theorem is a foundational result in combinatorics. The first version of this result was proved by F. P. Ramsey. And the Ramsey theorem is a branch of is a branch of mathematic
【摘要】伴随着新课程改革的不断深入,专家和学者们越来越重视对学生的学科核心素养的培养,对其意义给予了高度关注。如何在英语第二课堂活动中提升学生的学科核心素养涉及到英语口语、英语文化和教学形式等方面的影响。  【关键词】英语教学;核心素养;第二课堂活动;意义  【作者简介】介丽娜,甘肃省甘南州合作第一小学;余培军,甘肃省甘南州合作第一中学。  【基金项目】本文系甘肃省教育科学“十三五”规划课题《核心
【摘要】本文以Byram 的跨文化交际能力模式为理论基础,以问卷调查形式对内蒙古工业大学113名蒙族预科生进行调查,考察他们在多元文化背景下的跨文化交际能力。结果表明:内蒙古工业大学蒙族预科生具有较强的跨文化交际意识,然而,他们的跨文化交际技能和知识水平普遍低下。  【关键词】多元文化;蒙族预科生;跨文化交际能力  【作者简介】马静(1978.05-),女,内蒙古呼和浩特人,内蒙古工业大学外国语学
【摘要】在高中阅读教学过程中,教师应该根据新课标要求,合理设计教学方案,强化基础知识教学,为英语阅读打好基础,扫除阅读障碍,优化教学设计,助力学生掌握阅读技巧,提升阅读理解水平,加强课外阅读,提升核心素养。  【关键词】新课标;高中英语;阅读教学  【作者简介】胡萍,漠河市高级中学。  在全球化背景下,世界各国的经济、政治、文化交流越来越密切,学会英语这门国际通用性语言,相当于打开了世界的大门,能
【摘要】在新课改不断推进的背景下,构建高效课堂成为了广大教育工作者关注的焦点。初中英语教师在教学中构建英语高效课堂,不仅能使英语教学如枯木逢春般焕发出新的生命力,还能使学生在英语课堂中高效学习,自由发言,享受乐趣。为此,本文以初中英语教学为例,就构建初中英语高效课堂的方法进行探究。  【关键词】初中英语;高效课堂;互动;生活  【作者简介】李素琴,广东省从化区民乐中学。  传统教学模式下的初中英语
【摘要】随着我国国际贸易的深入发展,我国对于英语人才的需求不断增加,但传统的教育观念,更加注重基础英语的培养,使得社会对于行业英语人才的需求难以得到满足。针对这一问题,高校应当组织小范围的行业英语学习,并培养出符合社会需求的行业英语人才。在此背景下,本文将详细介绍行业英语需求现状,并通过对行业英语特点的分析,提出高校英语教学体系改革的相应策略。  【关键词】行业英语;大学英语教学;改革策略  【作
【摘要】随着素质教学内容的不断深入,小学英语课程也变得越来越普及,小学高年级英语写作教学,是帮助学生进一步掌握英语学习方法的关键性内容,为了帮助教师对传统的灌输式教学方法进行改革,本文主要针对小学英语高年级写作教学方法进行探究,希望能够起到一些积极的参考作用。  【关键词】小学英语;高年级;写作教学;探究  【作者简介】宋晓颖,江苏苏州工业园区方洲小学。  在小学阶段,英语写作是学生进行英语学习输
【摘要】英语学科的教育教学已经成了我国义务教育时期的必修课,小学开始,就有英语这一门课程,但是小学生的英语教学却是一个重点也是难点,小学生年纪小、接受能力有限等一些因素使教师教学难度加大,同时小学也是同学们更容易接受新鲜事物和习惯养成的年龄,所以要抓住这个契机,充分利用各种现代手段进行教学,以此来提高小学生的英语口语水平。  【关键词】小学英语;口语教学;策略  【作者简介】戴颜颜,济南市经七路第