
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhe073
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对1984年在8 个试点营建的9~11 年生火炬松种源林的调查分析,结果表明,主要经济性状存在着显著的种源差异,且具较高遗传力(其中4 个试点的材积和干材干质量、树干通直度、木材基本密度达到5% 差异显著水平,遗传力为0.45~0.78、0.45~0.76、0.55~0.83、0.43~0.77)。各类性状在种源区间表现出不同的变异趋势。利用其中4 个点19 个共同种源的资料分析,表明各类性状的地点效应极显著,树高、材积、干材干质量的种源×地点作用显著,种源间对环境的适应性和反应亦不同。生长与产量性状间呈现极密切的正相关,但与材性、材质性状的相关性各试验点表现略有差异。采用材积和木材基本密度构建基本选择指数,分别为各引种区评定出培育建筑材工业林适宜的种源区和3 个优良种源,其中最优种源的指数增益达到4.65% ~23.49% 。 The investigation and analysis of 9 ~ 11-year-old Pinus taeda plantations in 8 pilot sites in 1984 showed that the main economic traits had significant provenances and high heritability (among them, Dry matter quality, tree trunk straightness, wood basic density reached a significant level of 5% difference, heritability 0.45 ~ 0.78,0.45 ~ 0.76,0.55 ~ 0.83,0.43 ~ 0.77). All kinds of traits showed different variation trend in the provenance range. The data analysis of 19 common provenances at 4 points showed that the location effect of all traits was extremely significant. The effect of provenances × sites of tree height, volume and dry weight was significant, and the adaptability to the environment and The reaction is also different. There was a very close positive correlation between growth and yield traits, but there was a slight difference in the correlation between growth and yield traits. Based on the basic selection index of timber volume and basic density, the suitable provenance areas and 3 elite provenances of cultivated timber were appraised in each introduced area, among which the exponential gain of the best provenances reached 4.65% ~ 23 .49%.
以厚度1.0 mm TC4板材为坯料,采用550轧机片式轧制与二十辊轧机带式轧制相结合或二十辊轧机直接带式轧制两种方式,生产出了厚度为0.1 mm的TC4钛合金箔材。结果表明:TC4箔材带
分布于滇南思茅县臭水、橄榄坝,普洱县德化,景谷县大平掌等地的中、晚三叠世地层,出露连续、发育完好,化石丰富,是研究三江褶皱带南端三叠系的一个良好地区。 1980年以来,笔
Currently,60 million women of reproductive age(18-44 years old) worldwide,and approximately 3 million American women have diabetes mellitus,and it has been esti
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出席第72届奥斯卡颁奖晚会的明星们佩戴价值约1亿美金的钻饰,创下历史最高记录。世界知名珠宝商HarryWinston、David orgell、Martin Katz和FredLeighton等借出了约5000克拉