火炬松种源遗传变异研究及纸浆材优良种源评选 Ⅱ.间接选择和指数选择

来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:imyylam
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经对浙江富阳点11年生火炬松种源林生长性状和木材基本密度指标所作的早晚期相关分析表明,在中龄林阶段,以5~6年生作为火炬松种源早期选择的最低年龄是可行且较可靠的。在同一种源林中,当入选率为10%时,采用树高或胸径来间接选择材积和干材干物质重可获得15%以上的遗传增益;应用恰当的指数来选择纸浆材种源可使指数相对效率达到65%以上。在4片种源林中,用多性状综合选择法共筛选出10个速生、优质、高产的种源,入选种源的平均现实增益和遗传增益,树高分别为6.94%和4.59%,胸径为8.38%和5.55%,材积为20.00%和13.24%,木材基本密度为1.63%和1.08%,干材干物质重为24.78%和16.40%。 The early and late correlation analysis of growth characteristics and wood basic density index of 11-year-old Pinus taeda plantations in Fuyang County of Zhejiang Province shows that it is feasible to choose 5-6 years old as the lowest age for early selection of Pinus taeda progenitor in middle-aged forest And more reliable. In the same source forest, when the selection rate is 10%, the genetic gain of more than 15% can be obtained by indirectly selecting the volume and the dry matter weight of the dry matter by using the tree height or the diameter at breast height. Choosing the appropriate index to select the source of pulpwood may So that the index relative efficiency of more than 65%. Among 4 provenances, 10 fast growing, high quality and high yielding provenances were selected by multi-attribute comprehensive selection method. The average actual gain and genetic gain of selected provenances were 6.94% and 4% respectively. 59%, DBH of 8.38% and 5.55%, volume of 20.00% and 13.24%, basic wood density of 1.63% and 1.08%, dry matter weight of dry material of 24.78 % And 16.40%.
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