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无公害苹果园在病虫害防治上应从果树、病虫、草等整个生态系统出发,以病虫害的生态学、生物学、病理学为原理,以农业防治为基础,生物防治为核心,化学防治为调控手段,协调运用各种防治措施,实施综合治理,创造不利于病虫害发生而有利于各种天敌繁衍的环境条件,把病虫害控制在不足危害的阈值以下,从而减少依赖化学农药所产生的不良反应,以保持果园生态系统的平衡和生物的多样性,防止果品和环境的污染,降低防治成本,减少病虫害所造成的损失。一、细致清除法减少病虫害初侵入树体基数 1、冬季清园,搞好果园卫生落叶后至发芽前,将树上各种病虫枝、枯死枝、病僵果及树下的落叶杂草等病残体彻底清除干净,并集中烧毁或深埋。 2、早春适时、合理刮树皮苹果冬季刮皮是清除其上越 Pollution-free apple orchards should be based on the ecology, biology and pathology of pests and diseases, biological control and prevention and control as the basis and biological control as the core Means to coordinate the use of various control measures and implement comprehensive management to create environmental conditions that are not conducive to the occurrence of pests and diseases and conducive to the reproduction of various natural enemies and to control the pests and diseases below the threshold of inadequate harm so as to reduce the adverse reactions relying on chemical pesticides, In order to maintain the balance of ecosystem in orchards and biological diversity, prevent fruit and environmental pollution, reduce the cost of prevention and control and reduce the losses caused by pests and diseases. First, the detailed clearance method to reduce pests and diseases at the beginning of invasion of the base of the tree 1, the winter clearing garden, do a good job after the orchard health leaves before decay, the tree pest branches, withered branches, Such as sick and completely remove the body clean, and concentrated burned or buried. 2, early spring time, a reasonable scratch bark Apple peel the skin in winter is to clear its more
改变学生的学习习惯,培养学生的自主学习能力,使学生终身获益,是英语课程改革的重点。本文探讨了对自主学习理论的思考,师生角色的定位,以及如何进行有效自主学习。 It is t