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  ★ What Is “Phubbing”?
  Cell phones are a very valuable techno-
  logy that has changed fundamentally2 the way we communicate and get information. But as with anything good, too much of it can lead to problems. A growing body of research is highlighting the various disadvantages of overusing cell phones and other mobile devices, including the fact that all this communication technology is actually pulling us farther apart and negatively affecting our interpersonal relationships.
  One increasingly look downside to constantly being attached3 to a cell phone is phubbing, or phone snubbing4, a trend that is unfortunately on the rise. Phubbing is basically defined as looking at a cell phone rather than interacting with the person you are with.
  ★ The Cost of Overusing Your Cell Phone and Phubbing
  ◆It takes away from other things.
  Research shows that many people often lose track of time when they’re on their cell phones (understandable considering how many things we can do on these devices, from checking news and sports scores to seeing what friends are posting on social media sites, not to mention getting email and so on). When you spend time on the phone, you have that much less time to spend fully engaging and giving your attention to your families.
  ◆It is addictive.
  Research shows that smartphones are powerful mind and mood altering5 devices that can be as addictive6 as, say, gambling7.
  ◆It’s just plain rude.
  Pulling out your cell phone at the dinner table or in the middle of a conversation is just bad cell phone manner. Unless there’s an urgent matter you need to hear about, there is no reason to keep your phone at hand when you are with other people.
  ◆Kids will learn from your cell phone behavior.
  The other thing to consider when you’re a parent who is constantly connected to her phone is the fact that kids learn by watching what we do. Even young children, more of whom are getting cell phones at younger ages, are likely to pick up on the way a parent might engage in phubbing and adopt that behavior.   要考虑的另一件事是如果你是一个经常玩手机的家长,孩子们会通过看我们做什么来模仿。即使是年幼的孩子,更多的是在很小的时候就有手机的孩子,可能会模仿父母低头症的行为。
  ◆The time you spend comes at a great cost.
  Cell phones have changed the way we interact with each other and have cut down the time we may spend being creative. For every minute of time spent on your phone, there is a cost: The negative impact of having less time for important things in your life such as sleep, leisure time, work, and family time.
  ★ Control Your Cell Phone Use and Stop Phubbing.
  It’s time to control your cell phone use and stop phubbing. Be honest and assess how much you use the phone and how you use it.
  Do what you need to do and then put it down. We all have times when we need to check the phone for an important message from work or a family member. If you need to check messages, do it and get off—don’t linger8 and play games.
  Set clear time boundaries for when you and other family members cannot use the phone. And never allow kids to take phones into the bedroom, and practice this habit yourself. Set a firm rule of no phones at the dinner table. Dinnertime is an especially important occasion for families to catch up with each other and talk about their day. Studies show that regular family dinners are linked with a wide variety of benefits for kids, including better grades and so on.
  Don’t use your cell phone as an alarm clock. Speaking of cell phones in the bedroom, if you use the alarm clock function on your smart phone to wake you up in the morning, stop. You don’t need a six-hundred dollar alarm clock. Buy an alarm clock and get the cell phone out of your bedroom.
  Don’t use your phone at least an hour before bed. This is an important good sleep habit tip to keep in mind for yourself as well as your child. Research shows that electronic screens provide stimulation that can interfere with falling asleep and staying asleep.
  If you feel that you’ve lost control of your cell phone use and that it’s interfering with your work performance or personal relationships, ask a mental-health professional9 for help.
摘 要:2014年江苏高考数学试卷很好地贯彻了《考试说明》的基本要求和命题指导思想,试题平稳平实平易,稳中有变有亮点,进行了适度的改革和创新,贴近中学数学教学实际.试题深刻严谨隐含其间,易中有难,凡中有变,能力要求不低. “试卷具有较高的信度、效度以及必要的区分度和适当的难度”,对教学导向和减轻学生学业负担产生重要的影响.  关键词:江苏高考数学;试题特点;教学启示  2014年是江苏省实行新高考
摘 要:高中数学教师需要通过自身的专业成长,去引领学生更好地获得数学素养. 观课议课作为超越传统的听课评课的手段,在高中数学教研活动中正获得日益广泛的运用. 高效观课议课的关键在于建立数学教研视角下的理解,并结合自身的实践进行个性化的研究,同时不能忽视观课议课中的学生因素. 只有学生的学习情况,才是观课议课的坚实基础.  关键词:教研活动;观课议课;专业成长  观课议课是国内教育学者陈大伟教授几年
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知識运用  (两部分,共20小题,计30分)  A)语法填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)  ( )1. —Could I look at your new camera, please?  —Yes, of course you _______.  A. can B. could C. might  ( )2. —When did you _____
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摘 要 在信息化较快发展的时代背景下,开展创新型教学,相对于过去传统单一较为枯燥的教学来说,互动性更强,充分实现了以学生为中心的新型小组互动式教学。在创新型教学中融入以微视频教学为主的趣味教学,能够提升教学的趣味性,使课堂教学更加生动,同学们在通过有趣的课前自主学习之后,在课堂中进行互动交流学习,能够充分提升小学生的语言综合能力,提高英语阅读教学对学生英语学习的辅助作用。  关键词 小学英语 课堂
摘 要:随着教育体制的不断改革,我国开始将目标放在了改革教师的教学方式上,希望能够通过对教师教学方式的改革来促进学生对知识的学习,例题教学是在我国高中数学教学过程中找到的一种更符合学生需求的教学模式. 但是在实际运用中,这种模式还存在着一些问题,这就需要对这种教学模式进行探索,从而能更好地将此运用在高中数学教学实践中.  关键词:高中数学;例题教学;课堂应用;实践  随着社会的进步和发展,社会各界
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