
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songtiger2222
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《高中美术新课程标准》中指出,美术是一种视觉艺术,在发展视知觉,获得以视觉为主的审美体验,陶冶审美情操和提高生活品质等方面,具有其他学科难以替代的作用。高中美术学科的开设,正是要让学生在面对古今中外优秀美术作品时,能在教师的引导下,通过对作品的赏析评价,去理解艺术家的创作初衷和体悟美术作品内在的精神涵义,从而启迪智慧,扩大视野,陶冶情操,促进身心健发展,树立起正确的审美观,更进一步提高艺术修养。然而以往在应试教育环境下,由于美术是非统考学科,不受学生的重视,对美术课的重要性也缺乏应有认识。有的欣赏课上,就出现做其 The New Curriculum Standard for High School Art states that art is a kind of visual art, which plays an irreplaceable role in the development of visual perception, obtaining the aesthetic experience based on vision, cultivating the aesthetic sentiment and improving the quality of life. The opening of high school fine arts disciplines is to enable students to understand the artist’s original intention and understand the inner spiritual connotation of the works of art through the appreciation and evaluation of the works under the guidance of teachers under the guidance of teachers. Enlightenment wisdom, expand their horizons, cultivate sentiments, promote physical and mental development, establish a correct aesthetic outlook, and further enhance the art accomplishment. However, under the environment of exam-oriented education in the past, art is a non-unitary subject and is not valued by students. Therefore, the importance of art class is also lack of understanding. Some appreciate class, appeared to do it
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