Bortezomib in treatment of extramedullary plasmacytoma of the pancreas

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pz421769788
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BACKGROUND:Extramedullary pancreatic plasmacy- toma treated with bortezomib is rarely reported. METHODS:We admitted a 53-year-old woman with an asymptomatic mass above the left clavicle for over three months,then an asymptomatic swelling of the pancreas was found.A biopsy on the mass and a fine needle aspiration of the pancreas were performed.The diagnosis of extramedullary plasmacytoma(EMP)was made.The patient was initially treated with combination chemotherapy consisting of vincristine,doxorubicin and dexamethasone(VAD regimen).She progressed to painless jaundice during the chemotherapy.Then she was treated with bortezomib and hyper-dose dexamethasone.As a result,she had a near complete remission. RESULTS:The data demonstrated that the diagnosis was EMP of the pancreas.The patient responded very well to bortezomib,while failing to respond to the traditional chemotherapy regimen of VAD. CONCLUSION:EMP of the pancreas is rare.This case gives evidence for an excellent response of EMP of the pancreas to bortezomib. BACKGROUND: Extramedullary pancreatic plasmacy-toma treated with bortezomib is rarely reported. METHODS: We admitted a 53-year-old woman with an asymptomatic mass above the left clavicle for over three months, then an asymptomatic swelling of the pancreas was found. A biopsy on the mass and a fine needle aspiration of the pancreas were performed.The diagnosis of extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) was made. The patient was initially treated with combination chemotherapy consisting of vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone (VAD regimen) .She progressed to painless jaundice during the chemotherapy. Shen she was treated with bortezomib and hyper-dose dexamethasone. As a result, she had a near complete remission. RESULTS: The data was that the diagnosis was EMP of the pancreas. The patient was very well to bortezomib, while failing to respond to the traditional chemotherapy regimen of VAD. CONCLUSION: EMP of the pancreas is rare. this case gives evidence for an excellent response of EMP of the pancreas to bortezomib.
(1)缺乏关爱 父母离异后重组家庭或丧失父母等原因,造成儿童得不到双亲的照顾与关爱。 (1) lack of caring parents or divorce, reorganization of the family or loss of
海拔四千多米的安第斯高原上,有一种巨大的草本植物。它开花的时候,气势磅礴,巨大的花穗高达10米,塔一般矗立着。每个花穗上有上万朵花,清香馥郁。攀登者看到这样的景观,都惊呆了。哪里见过如此盛大的绽放?简直是绚丽至极!  这种花叫做“普雅花”。很多人不知道,为了这样一次美丽盛开,普雅花已经在人迹罕至的高原上等待了100年。一百年的光阴里,它静默如一座孤城,不声不响地迎来一个又一个朝阳,送走一个又一个落