
来源 :审计月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlexcuner
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近日,湖北省审计厅召开党组中心组(扩大)会议,集中传达学习党的十八大会议精神。会议传达了湖北省委关于传达学习十八大精神的重大部署,对厅机关和全省审计系统学习贯彻十八大精神进行了专题研究和部署。厅党组书记、厅长张永祥畅谈了学习十八大精神的体会,对审计系统学习贯彻十八大精神提出了明确要求。张永祥在讲话中说,党的十八大是在我国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段召开的一次非常重要的会议。大会高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,全面总结了过去五年的工作和十年的经验,提出了全面建成小康 Recently, the Auditing Department of Hubei Province held a meeting of the Party Group and Central Committee (Expanding) to focus on conveying the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress. The meeting convened the Hubei Provincial Party Committee’s major plan for communicating the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and conducted a special study and deployment on the study and implementation of the 18th CPC National Congress by the departmental agencies and the province’s audit system. Party Secretary Zhang Yongxiang, director of the Office, talked about the experience of learning the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and set forth clear requirements on the audit system to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress. In his speech, Zhang Yongxiang said: The 18th CPC National Congress is a very important meeting held at a decisive stage in our country’s entry into a well-off society in an all-round way. The General Assembly upholds the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively summarized the past five years of work and ten years of experience, proposed a comprehensive construction of a well-off society
<正> 语文教学的基本任务应该是使学生思维清楚、语言准确。我们要想迅速而有效地提高语文教学质量,在加强语言训练的同时,必须重视逻辑知识的教学、重视对学生进行逻辑思维
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先想后做蒋利红在《探索尺子的音高变化》一课教学时,我没有急于让学生去实验,而是在出示实验材料后,提出问题:师:你预测尺子长短变化后,拨动发出的声音有什么变 When I fir