经济法概论 第二讲 企业法律制度

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市场竞争主体是市场经济构成的基本要素之一。现代市场经济的竞争主体是多元的。目前,在我国就存在着国有经济组织、集体经济组织、私营经济组织、股份制经济组织、外商和港澳台投资经济组织、个体工商户及其他经济成分。本讲将扼要介绍国有工业企业法律制度、集体所有制企业法律制度、私营企业法律制度和公司法律制度。一、我国企业法律制度的形成与发展市场经济是法制经济。没有市场,就没有市场竞争主体的法律制度。有什么样的市场,就有什么样的市场竞争主体的法律制度。纵观建国以来我国市场的形成与发展,作为市场竞争主体最基本成分的企业,其法律制度的形成与发展大致经过如下几个阶段:1.计划经济体制下,我国企业法律制度从建国初期到党的十一届三中全会近30年中,我国经济体制是计划经济制度。计划经济的本质特征就是以政 The subject of market competition is one of the basic elements of the market economy. The main body of competition in modern market economy is diverse. At present, there are state-owned economic organizations, collective economic organizations, private economic organizations, joint-stock economic organizations, foreign businessmen, economic and investment organizations of Hong Kong, Maucao and Taiwan, individual industrial and commercial households and other economic components in our country. This talk will briefly introduce the legal system of state-owned industrial enterprises, the legal system of collective-owned enterprises, the legal system of private enterprises and the legal system of the company. First, the formation and development of China’s corporate legal system Market economy is the legal economy. Without a market, there is no legal system for the main body of market competition. What kind of market, what kind of market competition is the main legal system. Looking at the formation and development of China’s market since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the formation and development of the legal system as the most basic component of the market competition generally goes through the following stages: 1. Under the planned economy, the legal system of China’s enterprises, from the early days after the founding of New China In the past 30 years during the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, China’s economic structure is a planned economic system. The essential feature of planned economy is politics
◆金融业 以大型国家级银行为龙头,重新组成了五大金融企业体系。由日本兴业银行、第一劝业银行和富士银行组成新的瑞穗银行企业集团,资本金和经营规模均居全球银行企业集团
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