经济法概论 第五讲 证券法律制度

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一、证券的概念和特征证券,即有价证券,指设定、证明某项财产权利并且能够流通的一种书面凭证。从它设定财产权利的不同种类来区分,证券包括:(1)设定一定股份权利的有价证券,如股票;(2)设定一定物权的有价证券,如抵押单、提单;(3)设定一定债权的有价证券,如公司债券、本票、汇票、支票等。证券具有如下法律特征:一是价值性。证券是一种有财产价值的书面凭证,因为它所设定和证明的财产权利,即股权、所有权、债权,都是可以用货币价值表现出来的。二是自由性、简便性。不论是股票、提单、债券还是票据,它所体现的财产权利都是当事人之间为交易方便而自由设定的。拿债券来说,它反映的是债权人和债务人之间的债权债务关系。这种债权债务关系以债券的形式表现 First, the concept and characteristics of securities Securities, that is, securities, refers to the setting, to prove a property rights and to be able to circulate a written voucher. From the different types of property rights it sets, the securities include: (1) securities that set a certain share right, such as stocks; (2) securities that set certain real rights, such as mortgage bills and bills of lading; (3) set a certain debt securities, such as corporate bonds, promissory notes, drafts, checks and so on. Securities have the following legal characteristics: First, the value. Security is a written voucher with property value because the property rights it sets and certifies, ie equity, ownership, claims, can all be expressed in monetary value. Second, freedom, simplicity. Whether it is stocks, bills of lading, bonds or notes, it reflects the property rights are free to set the transaction between the parties for the convenience. In the case of bonds, it reflects the claims and debts between creditors and debtors. This debt and debt relationship in the form of bonds
湖南邵阳人(1895-1975),著名经济学家。1948年出任南开大学代理校长。 1919年赴美留学,耶鲁大学博士。1926年回国任南开大学商科财政系和统计学教授。翌年,以“研究社会经济
建国初期,蒋介石的女婿陆久之策反蒋氏政权驻日代表团弃暗投明,回归祖国。当我们重温历史上这惊心动魄的一幕时,不知要生出多少感慨! In the early years of the founding o