Spontaneous rupture of a hepatic hydatid cyst into the peritoneum causing only mild abdominal pain:A

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjiejngd
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Hydatid disease is an endemic disease in certain areas of the world. It is located mostly in the liver. Spontaneous rupture of the hydatid cyst into the peritoneum is a rare condition, which is accompanied by serious morbidity and mortality generally. We present herein a case with a spontaneous rupture of a hepatic hidatid disease into the peritoneum without any serious symptoms. A 15-year-old boy was admitted to the emergency room with a mild abdominal pain lasting for a day. Physical examination revealed only mild abdominal tenderness. There was no history of trauma or complaints related to hydatid diseases. Ultrasonography showed a large amount of free fluid and a cystic lesion with irregular borders in the liver. He was operated on. Postoperative albendazol therapy was given for 2 mo. No recurrence or secondary hydatidosis was seen on CT investigation in the 3rd, 6th and 12th mo following surgery. Hydatid disease is an endemic disease in certain areas of the world. It is located mostly in the liver. Spontaneous rupture of the hydatid cyst into the peritoneum is a rare condition, which is accompanied by serious morbidity and mortality generally. We present herein a case with a spontaneous rupture of a hepatic hidatid disease into the peritoneum without any serious symptoms. A 15-year-old boy was admitted to the emergency room with a mild abdominal pain lasting for a day. Physical examination revealed only mild abdominal tenderness. There was no history of trauma or complaints related to hydatid diseases. Ultrasonography showed a large amount of free fluid and a cystic lesion with irregular borders in the liver. He was operated on. Postoperative albendazol therapy was given for 2 mo. No recurrence or secondary hydatidosis was seen on CT investigation in the 3rd, 6th and 12th mo next surgery.
摘要:在农村学生心中,教师的威信是一种无形的能量,对自己会产生重要影响。本文从关爱学生、以身作则、为人师表和学高为师这四个方面入手阐述了如何树立教师的威信。  关键词:教师 威信  教师威信是指在教学过程中,教师所展现出来的优异教学行为和品质,是学生尊敬和信服教师的精神力量。对于学生而言,从有威信的教师身上可以学到更多更好的知识,也可以得到更多的锻炼。如何树立教师的威信呢?结合实际的教学经验,笔者