
来源 :出版发行研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pigyufish
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把出版作为一种社会文化现象进行研究的学科。以图书、期刊等出版物和出版业为研究对象,探讨其性质、任务、功能和发展规律。内容主要包括:出版学的对象、任务和研究方法;出版工作的一般规律;出版物的编辑;出版物的印刷、发行、出版三环节的相互关系;出版经营管理体制;出版物的社会效益与经济效益;著作权理论;出版队伍的建设;出版史;出版的国际合作与交流等。中国有悠久的出版历史和丰富的出版经验,在校雠学、目录学、书志学、版本学、图书馆学等中有一定程度的反映,也散见于编纂文集的序跋和札记等中。自20世纪80年代起,对出版学的研究得到较为普遍的开展,并正朝着总结实际经验、建立理论体系方向进行积极的探索。有些学根据出版学研究的主要内容,认为其学科体系包括出版概论、出版管理学、出版经济学、编辑学、读者学、作者学、书刊印刷学、图书发行学、书籍装帧艺术论 Discipline of publishing research as a social and cultural phenomenon. With books, periodicals and other publications and publishing industry as the research object, to explore its nature, tasks, functions and development rules. The content mainly includes: the object, the task and the research method of publishing; the general law of publishing; the editing of publication; the interrelationship of the printing, publishing and publishing of the publication; the publishing management system; the social benefits of the publication Economic Benefits; Copyright Theory; Construction of Publishing Teams; Publication History; Published International Cooperation and Exchanges. China has a long history of publication and a wealth of publishing experience. It has some degree of reflection in school science, bibliography, book learning, typology, library science, etc., and is also found in the prefaces and postscripts of the compilation of essays. Since the 1980s, the research on publishing has been carried out more universally, and it is actively exploring the direction of summing up the practical experience and establishing the theoretical system. Some studies based on the main content of publishing studies, that its disciplinary system, including publishing, publishing management, publishing economics, editorial board, reader learning, author study, book printing, book publishing, book binding art theory
1.论文编写格式按照 GB7713-87规定,论文的章、条、款、项应采用阿拉伯数字进行分级编号.每两个层次间加黑圆点区分.例如:1(一级),2;2.1(二级)2.2;2.2.1(三级);四级
In this paper, the authors have confirmed the mingling of magma which occurred along the Jiangshan-Shaoxin fracture belt (simplified name: Jiangshan fracture be
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