Incised valley filling deposits:an important pathway system for long-distance hydrocarbon migration—

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttw961086
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In this paper,incised valley filling deposits,which formed an important pathway system for long-distance hydrocarbon migration,are discussed in detail based on core and logging data.The sequence SQy23 of the Cretaceous Yaojia Formation is the main hydrocarbon-bearing layer in the Fulaerji Oilfield.The hydrocarbon source of the oilfield is the Qijia-Gulong Sag which is about 80 km away from the Fulaerji Oilfield.The transport layer of long-distance hydrocarbon migration is the overlapped sandstone complex which fills the incised valley.The incised valley developed during the depositional period from the late Qingshankou Formation to the early Yaojia Formation of Cretaceous(SQqn4-SQy1) was about 70 km long and 20 km wide,and extended in the NW-SE direction.The overlapped filling of the incised valley mainly occurred in the expanding system tract of the third-order sequence SQy23 (ESTy23 ). Towards the basin,incised valley filling deposits overlapped on the delta developed in the early period, and towards the basin margin,incised valley filling deposits were covered by the shore-shallow lacustrine sandy beach bar developed in the maximum flooding period.All of the delta,the incised valley filling and the shore-shallow sandy beach bar are sandstone-rich,and have high porosity and permeability,and can form an effective hydrocarbon migration and accumulation system.Deltaic sand bodies collected and pumped hydrocarbon from the active source,incised valley filling depositional system completed the long-distance hydrocarbon migration,and lithological traps of shore-shallow lacustrine sandy beach bar accumulated hydrocarbon.The incised valley filling sequences are multi-cycle:an integrated short- term filling cycle was developed on the erosion surface,and the sequences upward were mud-gravel stone,medium-fine sandstone containing terrigenous gravels and muddy pebbles with cross bedding,silty mudstone with ripple bedding,and mudstone.The incised valley filling deposits are characterized by a strong heterogeneity and the main hydrocarbon migration pathway is the medium-fine sandstone interval. In this paper, incised valley filling deposits, which formed an important pathway system for long-distance hydrocarbon migration, are discussed in detail based on core and logging data. The sequence SQy23 of the Cretaceous Yaojia Formation is the main hydrocarbon-bearing layer in the Fulaerji Oilfield.The hydrocarbon source of the oilfield is the Qijia-Gulong Sag which is about 80 km away from the Fulaerji Oilfield. The transport layer of long-distance hydrocarbon migration is the overlapped sandstone complex which fills the incised valley. during the depositional period from the late Qingshankou Formation to the early Yaojia Formation of Cretaceous (SQqn4-SQy1) was about 70 km long and 20 km wide, and extended in the NW-SE direction. The overlapped filling of the incised valley mainly occurred in the expanding system tract of the third-order sequence SQy23 (ESTy23). Towards the basin, incised valley filling deposits overlapped on the delta developed in the early pe riod, and towards the basin margin, incised valley filling deposits were covered by the shore-shallow lacustrine sandy beach bar developed in the maximum flooding period. All of the delta, the incised valley filling and the shore-shallow sandy beach bar are sandstone- rich, and have high porosity and permeability, and can form an effective hydrocarbon migration and accumulation system. Deltaic sand bodies collected and pumped hydrocarbons from the active source, incised valley filling depositional system completed the long-distance hydrocarbon migration, and lithological traps of shore -shallow lacustrine sandy beach bar accumulated hydrocarbon. incised valley filling sequences are multi-cycle: an integrated short- term filling cycle was developed on the erosion surface, and the sequences upward were mud-gravel stone, medium-fine sandstone containing terrigenous gravels and muddy pebbles with cross bedding, silty mudstone with ripple bedding, and mudstone. incised valley filling deposits are characterized by a strong heterogeneity and the main hydrocarbon migration pathway is the medium-fine sandstone interval.
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