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各省、自治区、直辖市通信管理局:《外商投资电信企业管理规定》(国务院令第333号,以下简称《规定》)颁布实施以来,多数外国投资者严格遵守《规定》要求,履行外商投资电信企业设立审批和电信业务经营许可审批等相关审批手续,依法进入我国电信业务市场开展增值电信业务经营活动,但近来,也发现一些外国投资者通过域名授权、注册商标授权等形式,与境内增值电信公司规避《规定》要求,在我国境内非法经营增值电信业务。为进一步加强 Since the promulgation and implementation of the Provisions on the Administration of Foreign-funded Telecommunication Enterprises (State Council Decree No.333, hereinafter referred to as the “Provisions”), most foreign investors strictly abide by the requirements of the “Provisions” and have fulfilled the requirements of foreign-invested telecommunications enterprises The establishment of approval and approval of telecommunications business licenses and other relevant examination and approval procedures, according to the law into the telecom business market in China to carry out value-added telecom business operations, but recently, some foreign investors have also been found through the domain name authorization, trademark registration and other forms of cooperation with domestic value-added telecommunications companies To evade the “requirement” requirement, illegal operation of value-added telecommunications business in our country. To further strengthen
Google、百度等搜索厂商在互联网搜索领域的成功给浮现中的企业搜索市场留下了美好遐想。 Google, Baidu and other search companies in the field of Internet search suc
立方倍积、化圆为方、三等分任意角,这三大几何难题让无数的数学家或数学爱好者耗尽了毕生的心血; Cubic times plot, round to square, trisection of any angle, these th
摘 要:笔者多年与学生摸爬滚打始终坚持写下水文,认为,议论文写作指导训练不仅要抓三要素,而且要从学生实际需要入手,思维、语言、思想三位一体,进行多角度的思路疏通,方能做到提纲挈领,有针对性。  关键词:议论文写作;五路;疏通  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1992-7711(2012)10-060-1  议论文是对某个问题或某件事进行分析、评论,表明自己的
Chinese online game portals roll the dice on the future The total number of online gamers inChina is expected to reacha Chinese online game portals roll the di