
来源 :河南农林科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nannalee
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桃小食心虫在新郑枣区,一年两代,除危害枣树外,还危害苹果、桃、梨、山楂等果树.由于缺少高效低毒的农药,致使虫口密度逐年上升,成为枣区的主要害虫,有的枣区虫果率高达70%,对出口、食用影响极大.为有效的控制虫口密度,达到大枣稳产、高质,我们选用法国产的溴氰菊酯对枣树桃小食心虫进行了防治试验,现将试验结果,报告如后.一、试验方法本试验共分5万倍、7.5万倍、10万倍 Peach mungbean insects in Xinzheng jujube district, one year and two generations, in addition to endanger the jujube tree, but also endanger apples, peaches, pears, hawthorn and other fruit trees due to the lack of efficient and low toxicity of pesticides, resulting in pest population density increased year by year, becoming jujube main Pests, jujube and some fruit rate as high as 70% of the export, consumption of great influence in order to effectively control the density of the population to achieve a stable and jujube quality, high quality, we use the French deltamethrin Jujube peach small Botrytis conducted a prevention and control test, the test results are reported as follows. First, the test method The test is divided into 50,000 times, 75,000 times, 100,000 times
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一位 1 5岁的女孩 ,因严重乏力、气短、体重下降和停经就医。检查发现有轻度低血压 ,并有多数胎记。初步的化验检查结果正常或为边缘值。随后 ,诊断与治疗的重点都是针对一般
过去在“治早、冶少、治了”的害虫防治思想指导下,所制订的害虫防治指标一般偏严,防治时期过早,不利于保护、利用害虫天敌,也不符合害虫综合防治的原则。 In the past, un