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地面撒施对桃小食心虫有明显防治作用的六六六粉,由于其残毒性高,已被禁产停用。为选择新的取代六六六粉的有效药剂,进行了本项试验。一、药剂和方法试验在乳山寨公社高家兴、宝口、果枣夼,及赤家口等4个大队的果园中进行。供试园上年“桃小”发生危害均较重。每园中设4种药剂处理片:(一)1.5%辛硫磷颗粒(山东临沂农药厂生产),拌倍量细沙;地面撒施,每亩用药12斤; Six to six powder on the ground sprinkle Peach Mungbean obvious control effect, because of its high toxicity, has been banned forbidden. In order to choose a new effective substitute for six hundred sixty-six powder, conducted this test. Pharmacy and Methods The experiment was carried out in the orchards of the four brigades of Rujasha Village, Gaojixing, Baogou, Jujube 夼, and Jiajiakou. For test garden last year, “peach” are serious harm. Each park has four kinds of pharmaceutical treatment tablets: (a) 1.5% phoxim granules (Shandong Linyi Pesticide Factory production), mix the amount of fine sand; spreading on the ground, 12 pounds per mu medication;
On July 20th,India launched adumping investigation into hydro-gen peroxide(HS code: 28470000)originated from China,Indonesia,Korea,Turkey and the European Unio
晚餐是一家人会齐的时间。吃饭时,儿媳掩饰着欣喜试探地说:“又来电话了,下周就要开始排练,怎么办?”话是冲着儿子说的,眼光却悄悄地瞟向我们。 “怎么了?”我问。 “我
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In January,2005,CCTV Music Channel broadcastDong Yi’s solo zheng concert.Music critics said herinterpretation of this traditional Chinese pluckinstrument is so
大蓑蛾(Chania uariegata Snellen)又名大袋蛾、吊死鬼、大背袋虫、避债蛾,属鳞翅目蓑蛾科,过去在我区未见发生,省内其他地区也未见报道。1982年在沁水县端 Chania uariega
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