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化学教学本身并不只是传授给学生一些初步的化学概念和规律,而是通过一系列有效的教育教学手段,全面提高学生的智能,使他们能够掌握和运用一些化学原理和实验手段,学会科学研究的基本方法,学会辩证而客观地认识世界,从而在将来能够独立地、有创造性地进一步深入学习和从事社会主义现代化建设。而化学实验是化学最直观的教学手段,它模拟人类认识事物的实践过程,符合人类认识客观事物的自然规律,因而最大限度地利用实验教学是化学教学最成功的手段。另一方面,让学生自己动手做实验则是培养学生能力的最有效的途径。运用化学实验,通过一系列有效的方法和手段,灵活变通各种实验,加强实验教学,能够较好地发展学生的智能。 Chemistry teaching itself is not only to teach students some preliminary concepts and laws of chemistry, but through a series of effective education and teaching methods, comprehensively improve the intelligence of students so that they can master and use some of the chemical principles and experimental means to learn scientific research Learn to dialectically and objectively understand the world, so that they can independently and creatively further study and engage in the socialist modernization drive in the future. The chemical experiment is the most intuitive teaching method in chemistry. It simulates the human’s understanding of the practical process of things, which is in line with the natural laws of human understanding of objective things. Therefore, making the best use of experimental teaching is the most successful method of chemistry teaching. On the other hand, having students do their own experiments is the most effective way to develop students’ abilities. The use of chemical experiments, through a series of effective methods and means, flexible alternative experiments, to strengthen experimental teaching, to better develop students’ intelligence.
Genetic diversity and relationships of wild goat grass (Aegilops tauschii Cosson) from Iran and Xinjiang,west China,as well as its weedy type from the Yellow Ri
就在我换上轻盈衣服的那一瞬间,美丽的春迈着欢快的脚步与凝重的冬交换了接力棒。春,她的使命就是让万物复苏,让大地到处布满生命的脚印。 In the moment I put on light cl
当花儿从沉睡中苏醒,  当鸟儿开始欢快地鸣叫,  当树木开始长出绿枝幼条,  我就踏着轻快的脚步,  来了。  我滴落在霜雪上,  融化了禁锢幼苗的寒冬;  我滴落在冰层上,  打破了冰封小溪的寒冷。  我滴落在山峰上,  渲染出翠绿山峰的秀美;  我滴落在溪水里,  与鱼儿欢快嬉乐。  我滴落在纸伞上,  演奏出独一无二的鼓点;  我滴落在草地上,  反射出斑斓的虹彩。  随风潜入夜,  我安静
2005年7月11日至14日,2005年国际光存 储讨论会暨光数据存储研讨会(ISOM/ ODS’05)在美国夏威夷檀香山举行。该会议由“Topical Meeting On Optical Data Storage(ODS)”和“