Srtategic Planning

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  This paper conducts analysis with Xi’an FanYi University as an example. Xi’an FanYi University is a well-known private university in China, which is located in the global historic city and ancient capital X’ian. The establishment of the school was approved by Shaanxi Provincial Education Commission in 1987 and approved by the State Ministry of Education to implement private undergraduate education and college-level higher vocational and technical education in 2005.
  Ⅱ.Mission vision value
  Since the founding of Xi’an FanYi University has a very clear values, the school founder professor Ding Zuyi always adhere to the “not-for-profit, taken from the school, with the school” to help the helpless, let there be the principle of running for public welfare endeavor, make brilliant school always adhere to the “people-oriented, moral education first, the ability for all-round development”.
  Ⅲ.Major stakeholders
  The major stakeholders of the Xi’an FanYi University shall consist of the board of directors, principal, administrators and faculty,students and government.As the core of leadership, the board of directors shall make decisions on the major issues of the school, develop general development strategies and policies for the school, hire and supervise the principal and raise the school funds. The principal is the top decision maker in the school, responsible for the daily teaching and administrative practice of the school. The administrators participate and implement the decisions, manage the affairs and adjust the relationship between the levels, playing the role of bridge and pivot. Faculty members are the specific executors of the school teaching and management. Faculty members include teachers and employees. The teaching of teachers is an art and a technology. Employees hope to get the school approval and obtain their due reasonable returns through their hard work.
  Through the analysis of external environment of stakeholders, it can be seen that different stakeholders have different effects on the school and different demands. Therefore, the school must proceed from the perspective of stakeholders and meet the demands of stakeholders in order to promote the harmonious development of various stakeholders.
  Ⅳ.Development strategic planning
  Through the above analysis, Xi’an FanYi University is a private college with earlier startup time, large scale and distinctive running characteristics. The government support for private education and the policy opportunity of the great development of private education indicates the direction for the long-term development of the school.   The overall strategic objectives: Xi’an FanYi University is built distinctive, with international influence, the domestic first-class, first-class professional college, people’s satisfaction with the high level of private application oriented university. Cultivating mind and body development, have the corresponding qualifications, high-quality application-oriented talents with innovation consciousness and practical ability
  1.Connotation development strategy. Follow the law of higher education development, follow the law of talent growth, firmly establish the quality of education is the lifeline of the development of colleges and universities. As a school must seriously Guide Graduates Career and employment.
  2.Talent strong school strategy. Talent competition is the competition between private colleges and universities. The establishment of a high-quality talent team is the eternal significance of the development of colleges and universities.
  3.Characteristic development strategy. The characteristics of running a school is the embodiment of the core competitiveness of the school and the source of the sustainable development of the school.
  4.Integration development strategy. The implementation of integrated development strategy, is to actively promote the integration of production and education, school enterprise integration, the integration of Internet and education, to promote the depth of cooperation, the schools, the ability to really enhance the school service for the local economy, the ability to create value for learners.
  In this essay I have try to show the srtategic planning of the Xi’an FanYi University,Strategic planning refers to brought by a series of procedures and ideas for decision-making and action, cohesive planning, the decision and action can “create and guide an organization (or other entity) is what, what to do, why do”. (Bryson, 1995) strategic planning is a good blueprint for the future development of the school, is a beacon to achieve a better blueprint.
  [1]Shanxi Provincial Department of Education (2014) press.
【摘要】听力是英语的重要组成部分。这也是验证学生对单词掌握程度和英语素养的重要因素的重要途径。随着时代的发展,英语听力越来越受到人们的关注。这就需要师生认识到听力的重要性,因此,笔者探索和分析了如何有效地提高初中英语教学中学生的听力水平。  【关键词】初中英语;听力教学;提升策略  【作者简介】马明英,池贤平,福建省闽清县教师进修学校。  【基金项目】本文为福建省福州市教育科学研究“十三五”规划2
【摘要】教学实践中,笔者发现多数高职高专学生英语学习基础薄弱,其英语书面语言的表达能力较差。在英语写作中常会出现诸如语法、词汇、句子结构、受母语影响等方面的错误。针对学生英语写作中普遍存在的问题,笔者通过自己的教学实践,从客观的角度陈述高职英语写作常见错误,分析其原因,并提出若干建议,以期能有益于高职高专学生写作能力的提高。  【关键词】高职英语;错误分析;写作教学  【作者简介】贺新丽,新疆师范
【摘要】商务英语课程对商务英语专业学生的能力和素质培养的重要性毋庸置疑,然而国内开设了商务英语专业的院校却没有系统科学的教材选用标准。本文分析了国内商务英语商科类教材与英语国家商科类教材,教材的选用标准主要体现在五大方面:教材内容的实用性;教材内容的可读性;教材内容的指导性;教辅材料的多样性;教材的权威性。  【关键词】 商务英语;教材选用标准  【作者简介】胡凯,男,湖北黄石人,湖北理工学院外国
【摘要】随着我国信息科技的发展,教育教学出现了一种新的教学模式:微课,它的出现使得我国的小学英语课程教学教法产生了跨越性的改变。本文针对小学英语课堂教学的现状、微课的内涵和优势以及微课应用的有效策略进行深度的分析以及探究。  【关键词】微课;小学英语教学;探究;分析  【作者简介】蓝曼菊,紫茶小学。  一、小学英语课堂教学的现状  1.应试教育对小学英语课堂的教学影响深刻。小学英语作为一门学科,主
【摘要】为了推进高职英语课堂教学改革,提高英语教学质量,本文以铜仁幼儿师专五年专英语专业学生(师范类)语法课为个案研究,基于“翻转课堂”理念对传统课堂的颠覆。笔者认为,充分利用现代化教学手段,融“教、学、做”(《高等职业教育英语课程教学基本要求》)为一体的英语教学改革有利于激发学生英语语法学习兴趣,提高学习效率和学生综合应用英语语法的能力。  【关键词】英语语法;教学改革;翻转课堂  【作者简介】