
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wilsonpfan
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高校转型是我国全面深化教育领域改革的战略切入点,对调整高等教育结构、培养应用型人才、服务地方或行业发展有着重要意义。高校转型问题涉及普通高等教育和职业教育双重语境、发展应用型教育和举办本科职业教育双重任务,本来是一个全局性问题,但在实践中常处于两种语境割裂之下,需要统整不同认识、协调行动目标。本文在分析高校转型的语境冲突和实践问题基础上,研究了应用型教育与普通教育、职业教育的关系,论证了应用型教育与职业教育相互接续、转化的可能性。从大力发展应用型教育、建立应用型高校类型、应用型高校举办本科职业教育、高等职业院校举办本科应用型教育、实行高校分类管理以及进一步下放办学自主权等六个方面为推动高校转型提出了路径建议。 The transformation of colleges and universities is a strategic entry point for our country to deepen the reform in the field of education in an all-round way. It is of great significance to adjust the structure of higher education, train applied talents, serve local or industrial development. The transformation of colleges and universities involves the dual context of general higher education and vocational education, the development of applied education and the dual task of conducting vocational education in undergraduate education. This problem was originally a global issue, but in practice it often falls under two different contexts and needs to be adjusted differently Understand, coordinate action goals. Based on the analysis of the contextual conflicts and practical problems in the transformation of higher education, this paper studies the relationship between applied education and general education and vocational education, and demonstrates the possibility of connecting and transforming applied education and vocational education. From the aspects of vigorously developing applied education, setting up application-oriented colleges and universities, setting up undergraduate vocational education in applied colleges and universities, applying applied education in higher vocational colleges, carrying out classification management in higher education institutions and further decentralization of running schools, The path suggested.
摘要作为一种思维方式和认知手段,隐喻是语言使用中一个非常普遍的现象。同时,隐喻也是翻译的难点之一,因为它承载着特定民族深厚而独特的文化内涵。因此,在翻译隐喻时要充分考虑文化因素的影响,在不同的情况下采取不同的翻译策略。本文以《围城》中隐喻的翻译为例,探讨了文化差异对隐喻翻译的影响。  关键词:隐喻 隐喻翻译 文化差异 《围城》  中图分类号:H315.9文献标识码:A    一 隐喻翻译研究  隐
秋夜的梦中  我常常被“嘎嘎嘎”的雁鸣惊醒  这些鸟儿  难道不困吗  深夜里也飞个不停  上学的路上  我仰望着瓦蓝的天空  冷风飕飕  鸟儿不分昼夜地飞行  高空中的你们一定又饿又冷  在天空中写着“八”和“人”字  你们的队伍排得那样整齐  竟然没有一只大雁  像人类一样“插队”  奶奶说  你们是到南方过冬  而我猜想  你们和我的爸爸、妈妈一样  不甘于贫穷  所以去南方“打工”  替我
用最小二乘法处理坐标法测量园弧样板所得到的测量值,在此数学模型基础上可实现编程处理原始数据.该方法特别适用于非整形圆弧样板。 The least square method is used to mea
Diamond can be applied in high technology and future industry areas due to its high hardness, high thermal conductivity, ultrawide band optical transmission ra