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金属在焊接过程中往往会产生各种焊接缺陷,最重要的缺陷就是焊接裂纹。它是造成焊接结构破坏,造成灾难的主要原因。焊接裂纹种类繁多,但根据这些裂纹产生的温度来分,可分为两大类,即热裂纹和冷裂纹。本文就热裂纹产生的原因及防止方法加以阐述。热裂纹是捐焊接接头在熔池金属凝固点附近温度至300℃范围内发生的裂纹。 Metal welding often produces a variety of welding defects, the most important defect is the welding crack. It is the main cause of the damage caused by the welding structure and disaster. A wide range of welding cracks, but according to the temperature of these cracks to points, can be divided into two categories, namely, hot cracks and cold cracks. In this paper, the causes of hot cracks and prevention methods are described. Hot cracks are the cracks in the donor welding joint occurring at a temperature in the vicinity of the solidification point of the molten pool metal to 300 ° C.
在高考体育加试中,如何保障考生稳定发挥,涉及的相关因素和条件很多,本文就考前的一些准备细节与广大师生进行交流探讨。 In the college entrance examination plus test,
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