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今年,是盐池解放五十周年。 一九三六年六月红军西征时盐池获得解放,从此,她便成为陕甘宁边区的西北大门和前哨。在革命战争的岁月里,勤劳勇敢的盐池各族人民在保卫家乡,保卫陕甘宁边区,支援前线中作出了巨大贡献,同时也为生产建设和文化建设做出了贡献。建国后,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,盐池人民继承老区人民自力更生、艰苦奋斗的光荣传统,一边抓经济建设,一边抓文化教育事业,使盐池教育事业得到较快发展,实现了“乡乡有初中,村村有小学”,“以乡(区)小学为中心,村小学为骨干,民办小学为基础”的普及教育网。 This year marks the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Yanchi. Yanchi was liberated during the Red Army’s Western expedition in June 1936. From then on, she became the northwest gate and outpost in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. In the years of the revolutionary war, the diligent and brave people of Yanchi made great contributions in defending their homeland and defending the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and supporting the frontline, and they also made contributions to production and cultural construction. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the people of Yanchi inherited the glorious tradition of self-reliance and hard struggle of the people in the old district. While grasping economic construction, they also focused on cultural and educational undertakings so that Yanchi’s educational undertakings developed rapidly and realized. “There are junior high schools in townships and townships, elementary schools in villages and villages,” and a “universal education network that centers on primary schools in rural areas (districts), village primary schools, and private primary schools.”
(一)“空室”是“空房子”吗? 《订鬼》中有“独卧空室之中”一句,课本没有注释,教参译为:“单独睡在空房子里。”“空室”译为“空房子”是不合实际的。凡住人的房子,里面
When somebody asks you whether something is likely to happen ornot,you may answer in a variety of ways which allow for differences ofopinion.Now let us take a
有关大白兔山寨冰棍的新闻虽然很快淡出人们视线,但国人对于上海冷饮还是充满期待,毕竟这座东方大都市诞生了中国最早的冷饮厂,“光明”牌冷饮和大白兔奶糖一样曾是计划经济时代的宠儿。但如今的“光明”冷饮已甘心于区域性品牌的地位,与和路雪、雀巢、伊利、蒙牛和八喜共同分享上海本土85%的冷饮市场份额。  抢占上海冷饮市场,没有什么制胜秘籍。2014年的上海虽是凉夏,“东北大板”在街头巷尾异军突起。但同样从东北
由于历史的进展,至少因现任校长年华的流逝,有些中青年教师,必将或刚已走上学校领导岗位。这里,我作为一个过来人,有些心里话敬告这些同志们。 一、抓紧学习。现在的学校领