The Issue of Tibet in China-US Relations During The Second World War

来源 :China Tibetology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JACK910680
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Even before the 1911 revolution in China, American missionaries, explorers and diplomats had began the process of acquiring knowledge about Tibet and Tibetans in the Chinese Empire. Immediately after the 1911 revolution, the US government, in order to maintain their “Open Door” policy, and to protect their interests in China, demonstrated their disagreement Even before the 1911 revolution in China, American missionaries, explorers and diplomats had began the process of acquiring knowledge about Tibet and Tibetans in the Chinese Empire. Immediately after the 1911 revolution, the US government, in order to maintain their “Open Door ”policy, and to protect their interests in China, demonstrated their disagreement
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