
来源 :短篇小说(原创版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LZLZ
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一、引言美国当代黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克创作的长篇书信体小说《紫色》一经问世就吸引了大量瞩目的眼光,并且也为黑人文学开辟了全新的天地。其语言遣词造句风格独特,叙事角度别具一格,可谓是黑人女性文学的经典,因此也被世人翻译成多个版本。本文对这部作品的主题进行简要分析,并对其在中国的汉译本翻译中的女性视角语境与原则进行研究,以便更为深入地展现其文学价值。 I. INTRODUCTION The novel “Purple”, a long epistolary novel written by the contemporary American black woman writer Alice Walker, attracted a great deal of attention when it came out and opened up a brand new world for black literature. His unique style of language, unique narrative angle, can be described as the classic of black female literature, so it has been translated into many versions. This article briefly analyzes the theme of this work and studies the context and principles of its female perspective in the translation of Chinese translations in China in order to reveal its literary value more deeply.
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本文以几段学术期刊引文为例,分析了当下某些学术文章文字层面的三个欠妥之处,即措辞冗赘、句式繁复、表述失当,并提出修改意见,指出学术论文应该具备简明精当的特征。 This