A Study of Children Education Problems Based on Dewey's Concept of Reflex Arc

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  [Abstract] Dewey raised his opinion that the Reflex Arc is an integrated and organic whole when he re-consolidate Reflex Arc Concept. He thought its essence is coordination, and the whole process is an organic circuitry, instead of fragments of an arc or a circle. The education is an infinite circuitry. Dewey's concept of reflex arc is a significant psychological theory toward contemporary children education.
  [Key words] Reflex Arc Concept;Circuitry;Children Education
  【中圖分类号】 G426 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)09-0055-01
  1. Introduction
  A reflex arc is a neural pathway that controls a reflex. It is the pathway followed by nerves which carry sensory information from the receptor to the spinal cord, and then carry the response generated by the spinal cord to effector organs during a reflex action. The whole process is like a harmonious interaction. Dewey thought the world is existing under the relationship of interaction. This existence possesses unity, which is the key characteristic to Dewey's philosophical thought [1].
  2. Mental mechanism on reflex arc——circuitry
  Under the basis of relational philosophy, Dewey assumed the movement of human mental mechanism is circuitry. He insisted that Reflex Arc Concept is a spiritual organism based on feeling, insight, and movement as main organs. The essence is coordination, and the importance of coordination is confirmation and reinforcement between each element of a whole.
  Dewey's theory shows the micro-level of relational philosophy. He stressed that Reflex Arc Concept contains quiddity of uniformity relationship. He considered Reflex Arc Concept is the principle of combining complicated facts[2]. What we need to do is making the concept as a psychologically united principle, and then react upon its inscape to confirm its values. Dewey's thought of psychological mechanism constitutes a starting point of contemporary functionalism.
  3.Enlightenment of Reflex Arc Concept regarding of children problems
  The mental mechanism of circuitry is the psychological basis of Dewey's education theory. He once said that education is actually an infinite circuitry or spiral. Dewey's Reflex Arc Concept and circuitry of education can benefit us to clarify basic educational concept, and thus to solve some problems in children education.
  3.1 Coordination respects and develops children's initiative。
  Dewey underlined human beings' initiative in the circuitry of stimulus and reaction. It is inadvisable to impose something on children, or force then to do something unwillingly. In the field of education, the premise of achieving educational positivity is to grasp rules of educational development and characteristics[3]. During the educational process, the initiative is the key point of children achieving their positive growth. An accomplishment of transformation of contemporary education requires educators to respect and attach importance to release children initiative, and thus helps children truly become active in their study and growth.   3.2 organic integrity emphasizes the continuity and integrality of education。
  Educational experience or issues are unified, which is highly stressed by Dewey with its continuity, educational continuity requires teachers not abandon children's past experience in order to continue the past with the present[4].
  How to maintain the continuity in education? Dewey emphasized the anticipation toward educational experience, which needs social intellectuality. It fuses the elements of sense and sensibility. Moreover, the cooperation and communication between teachers and children are extremely significant because teachers can grab the opportunity to stimulate children's creativity and initiative.
  3.3 Interaction harmonizes the relationship between teachers and children。
  The mental mechanism of circuitry responses in the association among human beings. This is much more important between teachers and children, and no one can avoid this relevance.
  Education is an infinite circuitry based on reflex arc. As teachers respect children and coordinate their relationship, the situation will be advanced to a status of spiral escalation[5]. Stimulating children's initiative and motivating teachers' guiding role can provide and promote an effective studying environment for children. Simultaneously, teachers acquire more meaningful educational sense from their understanding and association with children.
  [1] [美]杜威.杜威全集(第三卷)[M].楊小薇,译.上海:华东师范大学出版社,2010:163.
  [2] [美]杜威.经验与自然[M].傅统先,译.南京:江苏教育出版社,2005:58
  [3] John Dewey. 1929. The Sources of A Science of Education. New York: Horace Liveright.
  [4] John Dewey. 1896. The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology. New York: Elementary School Journal.
  [5] William Damon, Richard M. Lerner. 儿童心理学手册(第一卷)(上)[M]. 林崇德,李其维,董奇,编.上海:华东师范大学出版社,2009:134.
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