Salvicine,a novel topoisomerase Ⅱ inhibitor,exerts its potent anticancer activity by ROS generation

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobaob1234
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Salvicine is a novel diterpenoid quinone compound obtained by structural modi-fication of a natural product lead isolated from a Chinese herb with potent growthinhibitory activity against a wide spectrum of human tumor cells in vitro and inmice bearing human tumor xenografts. Salvicine has also been found to have aprofound cytotoxic effect on multidrug-resisitant (MDR) cells. Moreover, Salvicinesignificantly reduced the lung metastatic foci of MDA-MB-435 orthotopicxenograft. Recent studies demonstrated that salvicine is a novel non-intercalativetopoisomerase II (Topo II) poison by binding to the ATPase domain, promotingDNA-Topo II binding and inhibiting Topo II-mediated DNA relegation and ATPhydrolysis. Further studies have indicated that salcivine-elicited ROS plays acentral role in salvicine-induced cellular response including Topo II inhibition,DNA damage, circumventing MDR and tumor cell adhesion inhibition. Salvicine is a novel diterpenoid quinone compound obtained by structural modi-fication of a natural product lead isolated from a Chinese herb with potent growth ofhibitory activity against a wide spectrum of human tumor cells in vitro and inmice bearing human tumor xenografts. Salvicine has also been to have aprofound cytotoxic effect on multidrug-resisitant (MDR) cells. Moreover, Salvicinesignificantly reduced the lung metastatic foci of MDA-MB-435orthotopicxenograft. Recent studies have demonstrated that salvicine is a novel non-intercalativetopoisomerase II (Topo II) poison by binding to the ATPase domain, promoting DNA-Topo II binding and inhibiting Topo II-mediated DNA relegation and ATPhydrolysis. Further studies have indicated that salcivine-elicited ROS plays acentral role in salvicine-induced cellular response including Topo II inhibition, DNA damage, circumventing MDR and tumor cell adhesion inhibition.
Compelling experimental and clinical evidence suggests that epidermal growthfactor receptor (EGFR) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of a variety ofh
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