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辽宁省鞍山市有一个名叫苑振超的男孩,他两岁时父亲病故,有一个智障的哥哥,母亲靠回收废品维持家庭生计。小振超小学三年级时,一个同学对他说:“你家那么穷,你长大了也会像你妈妈一样去收‘破烂’。”他回家哭着告诉了妈妈。妈妈心如刀绞,她一边为小振超擦干眼泪,一边拿出了他爸爸身穿工作装的照片说:“你长大以后一定会像你爸爸当年一样威武。人只要活得堂堂正正,靠自己的劳动谋生,就算穿得不好,吃得不好,也不会丢人。收购废品能变废为宝,净化环境,为社会创造财富。”在妈妈的教导下,小振超奋发努力,刻苦学习,养成了勤俭节约、坚强乐观的好品性。从小到大,他穿的都是别人给的 There was a boy named Yuan Zhenchao in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. When he was two years old, his father died, and he had a mentally retarded brother. The mother maintained the family’s livelihood by recycling waste products. In Xiao Zhenchao’s third year of elementary school, a classmate said to him, “Your family is so poor. When you grow up, you will also like your mother to collect rags.” He went home crying and told his mother. Her mother was as devout as she wiped her tears for Xiao Zhenchao and took photos of his dad wearing a work outfit and said: “When you grow up, you will be as powerful as your father. People just have to live upright and righteous. If you make a living from your own work, even if you don’t dress well and you don’t eat well, you won’t be disgraced. Buying scrap can turn waste into treasure, purify the environment, and create wealth for the community.” Under the guidance of his mother, Xiao Zhenchao Efforts have been made and hard work has been done to develop a good character of diligence, economy, and strong optimism. From small to large, he wears what others give.
近日,温家宝总理在主持召开国务院常务会议中提出,必须切实推进企业兼并重组,深化企业改革,促进产业结构优化升级。由此可见,兼并重组将是下一阶段的投资热点所在。 Recentl
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