构建“三度”教研制度 助力教师专业成长

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园本教研是教师专业成长的阵地,是实施有效教学的依托,也是幼儿园科研文化的基石。武汉市江汉区红苗幼儿园有着40年的办园历史,扎实严谨的教研风格一代代传承。幼儿园一园两址,两个大教研组,四个小教研组,17个班,现有34名一线教师,传承与创造相融已成为幼儿园教研变革的方向。几年来,幼儿园立足于实际,不断完善园本教研制度建设,积极探究有效开展园本教研的方法和策略,构建了我园特有的“三度”(温度、宽度、深 This teaching and research is a professional teacher growth position, is the basis for the implementation of effective teaching, but also the cornerstone of kindergarten scientific research culture. Jianghan District, Wuhan Hongmiao Kindergarten has 40 years of park history, a solid rigorous teaching and research style from generation to generation. Kindergarten Park two sites, two large teaching research group, four small teaching research group, 17 classes, the existing 34 front-line teachers, inheritance and integration with the creation of teaching and research kindergarten has become the direction of reform. In recent years, based on the actual situation, the kindergarten constantly perfects the construction of the system of teaching and research, and actively explores the methods and strategies for effectively carrying out the research and development of the campus. It has built a unique “three degrees” (temperature, width, depth
The College of Engineering and Technology in Hu’nan Agricultural University was named AgriculturalMachinery Department when founded in 1 95 8,renamed as Agricu
【Abstract】With the rising of people’s living standard and high awareness of the importance of education, people are attaching more importance to tutorial classes. They attempt to equal the acceptance
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