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目的了解西安市农村居民对饮水卫生、地方性饮水型氟中毒(地氟病)防治知识的认知状况,为有关部门科学管理农村饮用水安全、实施饮水防病健康教育干预提供理论依据。方法根据相关标准检测调查点饮水中氟含量,调查居民患氟斑牙情况。采用等距随机抽样方法,随机抽取病区组714人及对照组426人采用入户问卷调查的方式,调查居民饮用水的卫生情况及其对地方性氟中毒防治知识的知晓情况。结果氟病区水样的水氟含量在0.2~2.7 mg/L,合格率为70%;对照组水样的水氟含量在0.1~0.81 mg/L,合格率为100%。病区组及对照组居民分别有30.39%和32.39%的人回答知道介水传染病,仅有32.49%和31.92%回答知道地氟病。病区组与对照组在回答饮水卫生相关知识条目时,其中“平时是否饮用开水(91.74%、97.18%)、盛水容器是否定期清洗(66.67%、78.17%)、生活饮用水是否应该消毒(67.51%、76.76%)、介水传染病的主要原因(36.13%、46.71%)、发生饮水污染事件应该上报的部门(34.03%、41.31%)”等知识条目正确应答率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);地氟病相关知识条目中的“流行地氟病的原因(87.07%、75.00%)、地氟病的主要危害(79.22%、64.71%)、地氟病的预防措施(79.74%、69.85%)”等知识条目应答率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论农村居民对饮水卫生、地氟病的了解不足,今后健康教育工作开展要突出重点。 Objective To understand the cognition of rural residents in Xi’an on knowledge of prevention and treatment of drinking water hygienic endemic fluorosis (DXF) and to provide theoretical basis for relevant departments to scientifically manage drinking water safety in rural areas and implement health education intervention on drinking water. Methods According to the relevant standards, the fluorine content in drinking water in the investigation point was detected to investigate the dental fluorosis of residents. Using the random sampling method, 714 people in the ward and 426 in the control group were randomly selected to survey the health status of residents drinking water and their knowledge of prevention and treatment of endemic fluorosis. Results The fluoride content in the water of fluoride disease area was 0.2-2.7 mg / L, the pass rate was 70%. The water content of water in the control group was 0.1-0.81 mg / L, the pass rate was 100%. 30.39% and 32.39% of the residents in the ward and the control group respectively knew that they were aware of water-borne diseases and only 32.49% and 31.92% of them knew that they had been infected with water-borne diseases. Ward and control group in answer to drinking water health knowledge items, including “whether the usual drinking water (91.74%, 97.18%), whether the regular cleaning of water containers (66.67%, 78.17%), drinking water should be disinfected (67.51%, 76.76%), the main cause of water-borne diseases (36.13%, 46.71%), the departments that should report water-polluted events (34.03%, 41.31%) (87.07%, 75.00%) of endemic fluorosis, 79.22%, 64.71% of endemic fluorosis, Preventive measures (79.74%, 69.85%) ”and other knowledge items response rate difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion Rural residents do not have sufficient knowledge of drinking water hygiene and endemic fluorosis, and health education should be focused on in the future.
在前阿特拉斯山,在赫普(Hupe)的 Fallotaspis tazemmourtensis 带下发现了三叶虫,甚至有一些三叶虫出现在该区第一古杯化石带的下面。这些三叶虫大部属后颊目(如已描述的 Hup
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