Race Celebrates Women's Conference

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ON the morning of February 26, a sea of enthusiastic women dressed in running suits converged upon Tiananmen Square for the start of the “Go to Beijing” distance race to celebrate the 85th anniversary of International Women’s Day and to welcome the UN Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW). The crowd included thousands of women from China and abroad. Vice President Rong Yiren, Qian Qichen, Vice-Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chen Muhua, Vice-Chairperson of National People’s Congress (NPC) and President of the All-China Women’s Federation, Lei Jieqiong, Vice-Chairperson of the NPC, and Peng Peiyun, State Councillor and Chairperson of the FWCW China Organizing Committee, ON the morning of February 26, a sea of ​​enthusiastic women dressed in running suits converged upon Tiananmen Square for the start of the “Go to Beijing ” distance race to celebrate the 85th anniversary of International Women’s Day and to welcome the UN Fourth World Vice President Rong Yiren, Qian Qichen, Vice-Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chen Muhua, Vice-Chairperson of National People’s Congress (NPC) and President of the All-China Women’s Federation, Lei Jieqiong, Vice-Chairperson of the NPC, and Peng Peiyun, State Councillor and Chairperson of the FWCW China Organizing Committee,
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怎么回答您呢?您定要我说说对这个煤矿有没有感情,我只好借用一句语意双关的古诗作为答复:“东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴。” 1968年,我作为“牛鬼蛇神”被押送到江南这
在一切“向钱看”的今天,王台铺矿维修队有这样一位队长,领导着这样一支队伍,发生过这样一系列的事…… 一天,王台铺矿20号至26号家属楼发生了整个单元供不上煤气的现象,经
BEFORE the celebration of the 85th anniversary of International Women’s Day, the All-China Women’s Federation sponsored an activity to choose ten outstanding